hey on a fuel injected car, how would you motor head's hook up the naaawwwwsssss???????? A. on the fuel rail. B. it's own seperate fuel line??? C. it's own fuel line and seperate fuel pump?? or some other configuration??? let's hear some idea's here as how you did your car or what others have done..... K?????:hurryup:
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How big of shot..? Wet or dry...?Anything over 175, 200 wet area your going to need a dedicated pump.
Anything less I would just run a adapter off the rail. Summit sells them for like 15$. Just make sure you have plenty of fuel there and if you don't have a gauge get one, and if it dips on the spray your going to need more fuel volume with a bigger pump or boost a pump. I also recomend a wide band things save allot of the guess work and maybe some monies down the road.
All said and done I would save and go with a Procharger. Nitrous seems cheap but really it's not. There's tons of times I wish I had my bottle power here and there on the street and it takes like 45 mins just to warm the thing up, and even racing between rounds its a pain in the ass warming it up in time and guessing if you have enough in there and should I switch bottles do I have time between rounds etc. I just had two bottles topped off and one 10lb filled and it was 102$ I mean do that every month plus gas getting it to the filler and back and it adds up in a hurry....... But this is about nitrous so have fun in your choice.
Tork built me a seperate tank for the nitrous system fuel. Have another blue Holley pump pumping the nitrous fuel and one for the eng. Best way I thoughtSpeedo is right though, after a got a good deal on the kit I thought I has the expensive stuff bought. Wrong..I spent like another grand or close to it to get it all set up right.