Sometimes, we are our own enemies and don't look at the whole picture when it comes to our buying decisions.
We keep hearing about how things are getting better, (and it gradually is) but I have never seen more people out of work. These aren't statistics, these are neighbors, co-workers and co-workers of my wife. Husbands laid off or job eliminated and then shortly afterwards, their wife loses their job. Plant closings and the list goes on.....
People overseas are laughing at us for buying their products for sometimes only a few bucks less than ours which causes harm to our own job market.
Then if we unite to spend our money here, we get labled as isolationist.
I saw that when it was on TV, That is great. If we could get more in this country to buy and build with American goods and buy from more local places we would have better economy and more jobs. I know I am guilty too for buying so much made overseas and the snap on dealer gets on my care about buying from Harbor Freight untill I tell him all of his Bluepoint crap is made in china too.