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Wall Street Journal article on Toyota

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  • Wall Street Journal article on Toyota

    If anyone has the chance, grab a Wall Street Journal from this weekend.

    There's a full page article confirming what I've said all along about Toyota.

    Basically, the article provides facts about how Japan has known about problems with items they produce, but hid them so they wouldn't lose marketshare and profits.

    From pharmacuetical companies continuing to sell tainted blood that left hemophiliacs with HIV in the 1980s. The government was aware, but failed to avoid that avoidable health crisis. After years of denial, the CURRENT finance minister, Naoto Kan, who was health minister in 1994, revealed documents showing that the government allowed the companies to continue selling the bad blood so they would not lose marketshare to foreign companies selling SAFE blood products.

    In doing so he paved the way for a relatively generous settlement and an abject apology by drug company executives, collectively on hands and knees touching their noses to the floor in demonstrating their contrition to the victims.

    In 2000, Mitsubishi Electric recalled 450,000 television sets in Japan due to the possibility they could overheat and catch fire. The company said it had known about the problem for at least eight years.

    2. Sharp announced in 2007 it would provide free repairs for more than 500,000 washing machines in Japan produced sinced 1998 because of a fire hazard.

    3. Snow brand Milk Products had to issue recalls in 2000 after more than 14,000 people were sickened by its tainted milk. The company eventually dispatched 2,000 of its employees to apologize to each of the victims.

    Like I've said all along--The Japanese have had that mentality ever since I can remember. They will do or say anything to manipulate the market into believing they are a perfectionists in how they manufacture products. Only when busted, do they apologize like they are so sorry and ask for forgiveness, like whimpering little bitches.

    That brainwashing has worked here in the US. I have never figured out how people can be so stupid to fall for that BS when it comes to Toyota vehicles. Toyota is a predator company and will do anything to steal marketshare. It's obvious that their government condones that mentality. If their country knowingly has hidden selling tainted blood products which can KILL their own citizens......they have and will do the same with their overrated cars and trucks.

    They do not...I repeat DO NOT care about this country. They only care about profits of which the majority go to JAPAN. They laugh at people who buy their boring products knowing all along they are no better than competitors. They grab dollars out of Americans' pockets and call those people stupid and lazy.

    Anyone who continues to nutthug Toyota is either brainwashed or a fool in my opinion.

  • #2
    Sounds like u r angry at toyota
    the victim had semen on his trousers

