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Toyota rebellion

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  • Toyota rebellion

    Watched this last night and I thought it was pretty good. So much for imports being better than domestics. Same crap different name, The almighty dollar is all they care about IMO. Read o

  • #2
    Toyota has managed to get only positive press for as long as I can remember. They have had frames breaking, suspension components breaking, prius stalling at random, false mpg and horsepower claims, misleading ads and more. Up until now, the press has looked the other way. They've brilliantly managed to brainwash the consumer into perceiving that "Toyotas don't break" I've known all along that it has been a big sham. This time, the press had no choice but to come forward since lives are at stake. I can't figure out any way that they could have shielded their many problems from the press and consumer reports than discreetly compensating them to help maintain their image. In my opinion, they're a brilliant predatory company that will do anything to steal marketshare.

