Is this news or will I be criticized as a Toyota basher?
Sent by a puzzled citizen...
Was talking to another Chevy dealer on a swap who also owns a Toyota store - can't understand why Toyota is so busy, yet Chevy with superior product is quiet - his Toyota service department is very busy inspecting Toyota Tacoma's for frame rot. It's interesting for if this were GM we would be the top story on the evening news - but with Toyota - haven't heard a word. This is a link to Edmunds Car Space where owners outline Toyota 's procedures and frustrations with getting this handled. Toyota is buying these trucks back at 150% of KBB retail excellent if there is a hole in the frame, keeping the vehicle and sending them back out in a rental. Also those with no hole get a 15 year warranty against the rot. GM would never get away with this.

A note from Zman...
How long are people going to let these clowns get away with this?
IMO, Toyota is buying back these pieces of shit to try and maintain their image of being higher quality and more dependable than anything on the market.
That's right...I believe Toyota has deep pockets and will do anything to maintain their image to their brainwashed followers and media.
Now it will be interesting to see the Toyota nuttswingers/cult come in and defend these clowns.
Sent by a puzzled citizen...
Was talking to another Chevy dealer on a swap who also owns a Toyota store - can't understand why Toyota is so busy, yet Chevy with superior product is quiet - his Toyota service department is very busy inspecting Toyota Tacoma's for frame rot. It's interesting for if this were GM we would be the top story on the evening news - but with Toyota - haven't heard a word. This is a link to Edmunds Car Space where owners outline Toyota 's procedures and frustrations with getting this handled. Toyota is buying these trucks back at 150% of KBB retail excellent if there is a hole in the frame, keeping the vehicle and sending them back out in a rental. Also those with no hole get a 15 year warranty against the rot. GM would never get away with this.

A note from Zman...
How long are people going to let these clowns get away with this?
IMO, Toyota is buying back these pieces of shit to try and maintain their image of being higher quality and more dependable than anything on the market.
That's right...I believe Toyota has deep pockets and will do anything to maintain their image to their brainwashed followers and media.
Now it will be interesting to see the Toyota nuttswingers/cult come in and defend these clowns.