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Property values drop

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  • Property values drop

    Just got my 2009 statement and it dropped about 18% Yea. It is about time
    I have had double digit increases for the last 5 years so now Henn. Co. can eat s**t. Will be nice to pay less in taxes net year.

    We just need to get rid of all the commisioners that tax us to death then maybe the little guy might get a fair shake instead of the twinkies.

  • #2
    Shit mine went up 10k this year, but trying getting that much for the place...


    • #3
      m9ne dropped 2 k but taxes went up 1k can't figure that out???


      • #4
        yea what they do is drop your tax 10-20 % then the people approve a school levy then the increase your taxes again in about 3 years. So either way you are screwed.


        • #5
          The levy failed in my district last year and they are criminals too


          • #6
            Originally posted by 602hp View Post
            The levy failed in my district last year and they are criminals too
            thats what i am saying. what happens is they drop your taxes then the people in your district vote for the school levy because they house payment has gone down. then after the levy is approved they increase your taxes again. Its all a big game out their and as long as the teachers unions keep controling this our taxes will keep going up


            • #7
              All this state has a problem with is spending not a tax problem. I remember when I was a kid and my dad bitching about the property taxes in the 70's then the state came up with a plan that would help all property owners out. Was good untill the 90's when the and spenders got in and filled their pockets. It's too bad people don't remember this stuff when voting for their nice person in the both guess they are just sheep and keep follow along and get ripped off another 4 years.

              Take a close look at tax increment fiancing just a welfare program for the buisness owners who don't want to pay their fair share.


              • #8
                I should never said anything on this tread. I go to this place for a good time. Not to get p-off . I do agree with you we are all sheep with our eyes closed and untill people open their eyes its just going to get worse.


                • #9
                  Ahh don't worry I am not piss off it just would be nice if most of the people who vote would remember this stuff longer than 2 months. Sounds like I was venting though didn't it.


                  • #10
                    i know your not. I just can't stand politics. Cars are my escape from reality


                    • #11
                      ya lets not get ulluz worked up before a hard day at work !!! haha. breathe in and out... ..mufasa


                      • #12
                        taxes are alway's less in the slum's of mpls.............. lmfao


                        • #13
                          Neighbor said his dropped too and quite a bit

