Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now you can buy a watermelon LOL
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Sold another photo of mine... Whoo-hoo!
Would you rather be photographing hot-rods? Do you do what pays the bills? or from a photography point of view is this type of shot a better portfolio for your work?
I actually am interested in buying some photography equipment but for what I want to do it would be much cheaper. I want a few of those little flash assisting things to use with a high quality $500 or so digital camera to photograph engine parts and assemblies. Then I need to learn how to clean them up in photo-shop. Have you done this type of thing and have any examples?
So did you set-up that hole arrangement? at a grocery store? or did you have to buy all the stuff?
Originally posted by big block fiero View PostWould you rather be photographing hot-rods? Do you do what pays the bills? or from a photography point of view is this type of shot a better portfolio for your work?
I actually am interested in buying some photography equipment but for what I want to do it would be much cheaper. I want a few of those little flash assisting things to use with a high quality $500 or so digital camera to photograph engine parts and assemblies. Then I need to learn how to clean them up in photo-shop. Have you done this type of thing and have any examples?
So did you set-up that hole arrangement? at a grocery store? or did you have to buy all the stuff?!
This is just something where I've been able to do to earn a little cash on the side. I've sold the rights to 7 images to this company so far. 6 of them paid $250 and 1 of them paid $150. Their pay scale for church bulletin photos is $100-250.
I can't answer as to whether or not this type of photo would be good for a portfolio or not. I guess I've never been too concerned about putting a portfolio together since it's just something I do for fun and learning. I don't know how far things will go with it in the future so we'll just have to see... It'll really depend on if I decide to try and make more money doing it than just the occasional purchased photo.
I've only taken a few pictures of my own engine as it was being assembled and I never really put all that much thought into making it a really good photo. I was just more concerned with having it for my own documentation I guess. I've only experimented with indoor "studio-type" photos a little bit so far. I'm more interested in the outdoors and shooting cars, nature, and things of the like.
The arrangement for this photo was actually set up in the front of my church during this past Thanksgiving for the holiday services. My Dad, the church administrator, had asked me to take some pictures of it to use as backgrounds for the projection during the services. I figured it couldn't hurt to send a few samples of those photos to the printing company as well since they turned out pretty nice.
Are you thinking of taking those engine parts and assemblies pictures for a website or customers or what?
I never had this interest until david vizard (a magazine and book writing guy) told me he would like for me to become a technical writer for him. Photography has been a big part of his success and so he has been giving me some pointers. Things like moving the flash devices around, putting red reflective objects near the image, and red felt tip coloring on the flash source so that wet flow bench pictures can be taken of the dycum trail. Ive been slacking on my obligation to pursue some of this but I'll start with getting those flash things. I haven't photo-shopped anything yet but as I learn I will be posting this stuff for experience. Ive been on forums allot lately trying to write and type better but I'm still just poking one key at a time.