For my personal cars, my style is showroom stock appearing. What works for me doesn't work for the next guy.
I respect a car that's nicely done mechanically without all the bling though.
I really like what 5door has done with his. It just wouldn't be the same if it had a fancy paint has its own personality. The car is straight and all functional.
I wouldn't like it if his fenders were flopping, pipes hanging down, exhaust leaks, etc.
It's easier and cheaper to do the drive line. It takes a lot of time and effort to make and keep a car looking good. I suck at both, but I would rather do mechanical work than bodywork any day. Although I see quite a few cars with nice paint or a nice drive line (and sometimes both), I seldom see a "killer" drive line and never see a "killer" paint job any more. Perfectly straight cars were always rare, but now they are non-existent (even mega-buck units at car shows).
anyone who has seen my car would know that i voted driveline. but thats because i rather drive around in a partially primered 13 sec 5.0 then a nice looking slow 4 cylinder. but i'm painting it this year, so i'll have a bit of both