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Facebook Marketplace

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  • Facebook Marketplace

    I don't post much on Facebook, but use it to see what my relatives are up to, family pics events, etc. I also check out performance vendors. Their marketplace is interesting. Just saw a Delco Remy distributor supposedly from a 396/375hp GM for $300. Didn't know that was the going rate. Or bare 781 oval port heads for $150 or trade for rect port

  • #2
    I'm on Facebook mainly for keeping in touch with fellow musicians around the area & getting gigs. I also check out some of the local car cub & car show action on there. Our GN club dropped their regular website & is on there now, too. Ditto for a number of other local car-cruise clubs, such as Cold Steel Cruisers & Twin Cities Car Cruising Group.

    After the GN break-in a couple yrs ago, I bought a pair of used quarter-windows for my GN off FB Marketplace from supposedly a fellow GN guy from the Chicago area. Was a big mess. Paid $500 & the fucker sent me a pair of Monte Carlo quarter windows! They fit the same hole, but the trim is completely different from the GN's windows. Never heard a word back from that dickhead, but FB did eventually refund my $500. Finally ended-up getting windows from a local GN club guy up in the Forrest Lake area. Got 'em for half that price, too!
    There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life. - Frank Zappa


    • #3
      Ya, no one is going to swap a set of Sq. Port heads for oval ports.


      • #4
        I thought you said square port heads aren't as good as oval?


        • #5
          Square Port heads will always bring more money.

