I know there's been quite the talk about the price of gas for the last couple of years. The gas companies are making record profits. People are now purchasing hybrids more and more. Some people are being forced to figure monthly gas bills into their budgets.
That being said, and with all the hoopla surrounding the prices of gas, who is truly taking noticeable measures to offset it? Are you driving less often? Are you looking into E85 more and more as a possible conversion for your toy? (I know some have already made that switch.) Do you think that you'll be doing just as much cruising as always or do you leave the car alone until the weekend or cruise-in night? If you're in the process of building your vehicle, are you looking at overdrive transmissions or planning on using "highway friendly" rear gear ratios?
Me personally? I'm keeping the rear gear ratio a little more highway friendly than I could have and will also be seriously considering swapping in a Tremec 5 speed in the future. I refuse to drive less however because 98% of the driving I do anyways is for my enjoyment. Living 2 blocks from work =
That being said, and with all the hoopla surrounding the prices of gas, who is truly taking noticeable measures to offset it? Are you driving less often? Are you looking into E85 more and more as a possible conversion for your toy? (I know some have already made that switch.) Do you think that you'll be doing just as much cruising as always or do you leave the car alone until the weekend or cruise-in night? If you're in the process of building your vehicle, are you looking at overdrive transmissions or planning on using "highway friendly" rear gear ratios?
Me personally? I'm keeping the rear gear ratio a little more highway friendly than I could have and will also be seriously considering swapping in a Tremec 5 speed in the future. I refuse to drive less however because 98% of the driving I do anyways is for my enjoyment. Living 2 blocks from work =

