Co worker drove his his Demon 170 to RF yesterday. He put lightweight wheels, skinnies and 315s. DA was around 1600 ft. DA doesn't affect S/C & turbo cars as much as NA though. It's one late model you don't want to line up against-heads up. I would not be afraid to bracket race him though. Colton 4.27.24 a.jpgColton 4.27.24 b.jpgColton 4.27.24 c.jpg
Uhh....his car is not illegal, as his time slips are above 9.00 and below 150 mph. Now, if he runs 8.99 or 150 MPH, THEN he's illegal.
I went back and read your link and it says the 170 is banned because Dodge SAYS it runs 8.90s at over 150. Dodge advertises that time to push sales.
A hundredth of a second makes a difference.
When I bracket raced the Chevelle, I liked dialing 12.00 because 11.99 and quicker required a bar and jacket, etc. That's why I never wanted to go faster.
Both my cars can't run below 11.50 as my Camaro has T-Tops
This is from the 2024 NHRA Rule Book page XV:
2008-2013 OEM model-year production cars are permitted to run no quicker than 10.00 (*6.40 eighth-mile) and/or no faster than 135 mph. 2014-Curent OEM model-year production cars are permitted to run no quicker than 9.00 (*5.65 eighth-mile) and/or faster than 150 mph. Drivers in vehicles running slower than 11.50 (*7.35 eighth-mile) and/or slower than 135 mph are required to wear full-length pants (no shorts); shirt- or long-sleeved shirt (no tank tops); closed shoes (no open-toe or open-heel shoes or sandals); socks and a helmet. See General Regulations 10:7 for helmet requirements. Drivers in vehicles running quicker than 11.49 (*7.35 eighth-mile) or slower than 9.00 (*5.65 eighth-mile) or faster than 135 mph or slower than 150 mph are required to wear a minimum SFI 3.2A/1 jacket; full-length pants (no shorts); closed shoes (no open toe or open-heel shoes or sandals); socks and a helmet. See General Regulations 10:7 for helmet requirements. Unaltered OEM, antilock brakes, airbag functions, stock frame\ unibody construction, including floors and firewall, as well as all other OEM safety-related systems, must be functioning as per manufacturer’s specifications. Tires used may be other than OEM, but they must be DOT approved. Convertibles quicker than 13.49 (*8.25 eighth-mile) and T-tops quicker than 11.49 (*7.35 eighth-mile) must meet Summit Racing Series roll-bar and roll-cage requirements.
I was talking with AL last night about that, and he stated the reason the 170 car is banned form NHRA tracks id because the those cars are below the 9.50 spec and need a full cage, so hence they are not allowed to race. Al also stated that Greenheck has as much clout as the Elite P/S team and looks like rule bending is ok at his track. That's good for me as I will never put any new safety stuff in my car ever again. It's good he got to race it though, would be interesting to see how BIR will handle a 170 up there as the tech crew is pretty picky as I remember.
Well Al should read the 24 NHRA rulebook. Clearly states 2014 and newer can run 9.00 and up to 150.
Why argue with the facts? No one is bending the rules.
Not sure why you and Al aren't getting this.
From the 2024 NHRA rulebook: 2014-Curent OEM model-year production cars are permitted to run no quicker than 9.00 (*5.65 eighth-mile) and/or faster than 150 mph.
Well Al should read the 24 NHRA rulebook. Clearly states 2014 and newer can run 9.00 and up to 150.
Why argue with the facts? No one is bending the rules.
Not sure why you and Al aren't getting this.
From the 2024 NHRA rulebook: 2014-Curent OEM model-year production cars are permitted to run no quicker than 9.00 (*5.65 eighth-mile) and/or faster than 150 mph.
Well not sure, but that 170 car is banned from competition at any NHRA member track as I have read from NHRA, also I though they had to be in complete stock form with no slicks so as I remember a few years ago some guy with a C7 Corvette was running at the Rock, made a pass AT 10.10 and then ran some slicks RAN 9.80's and the tossed him out after that run. Also the Tesla Model S Palid is banned also I have read. No matter it's good they get to race. I guess I 'll get me one of those cars, than after the race I can do some street doughnuts, lol.
Maybe you can show me where in the 2024 NHRA rulebook you read that says the Demon 170 and Plaid are banned.
I went back and read it a few times and I can't find it anywhere.
It does say ANY car 2014 or newer can't run quicker than 9.00 or 150 mph.
Now he's running slicks? lol The tires are D.O.T. drag radials??
Here are the rules regarding tires:
Unaltered OEM, antilock brakes, airbag functions, stock frame\ unibody construction, including floors and firewall, as well as all other OEM safety-related systems, must be functioning as per manufacturer’s specifications. Tires used may be other than OEM, but they must be DOT approved.
I thought Al was a stock class participant? Of all people, he should know the rules. Makes me wonder about his credibility.
I'm by all means not a Dodge fan. But I can accept the rules.
Watch this one Glenn, guys running 8's with no helmet, WOW!
I guess I can have someone ask a Div. 5 tech director about the 170 cars. That would be the place to find out what's legal or not.
Anyone not running within the rules should get asked to leave. Not fair to the racers who make sure they're legal.
Good idea to check with the tech director, but as I mentioned before--the 2024 NHRA rule book spells it out as clear as can be.
All the tech directors can do is refer to the rule book and apply it to each racer. No one can make up their own set of rules outside of what NHRA has made.
Damn, you guys are talking about some serious shit. I've never had anything fast enough to worry about any of that stuff. Just the 11.97 I ran with the GN one time at the slippery rock, and I don't think it was fast/quick enough to require anything more than a helmet.
There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life. - Frank Zappa
Anyone not running within the rules should get asked to leave. Not fair to the racers who make sure they're legal.
Good idea to check with the tech director, but as I mentioned before--the 2024 NHRA rule book spells it out as clear as can be.
All the tech directors can do is refer to the rule book and apply it to each racer. No one can make up their own set of rules outside of what NHRA has made.
Unfortunately host tracks can set up their own safety rules. When I worked at the Grove Ted had a few rules in place that were not NHRA mandated, as those extra rules help keep his ins. costs down and Corda did the same. I did get talk with a retired Div. 3 tech director about this and here's what he told me. 1st. the 170 and a few other cars are banned from "competition" so if they show up they can be tossed out, but testing should be limited to 1/8 racing on a 1/4 mile for safety reasons. 2nd. he told me those cars while "legal" in the class rules, but general competition rules supersede classes. So that means any car and he said "ANY" car that runs 9.90 in 2024 forward has to have an oil containment system on the car I.E. diaper. He also stated that the tech director has broad powers to kick "ANY" car off the track if he or she thinks it's unsafe in any way shape or form. Look at general regulations on cars running 9.90 and 135mph and faster, it spells out what's needed to run that quick, this guy knew everything and was nice to chat with. Joel I'm with you, my shits not that fast so I am not worried, but I did stay at a Holliday Inn last night, LOL.