blah blah blah
i was picking on bill, and R&R thought his drag car was a street car and im guessing your in the same place of thought. well its not get over it and grow up. just cuz you can drive your race car on the street and not get caught dosnt make it a street car.
:lol: "blah blah blah", great come back.. a true sign that you got nothing All I'm saying is that the arguement itself is stupid as hell. Really, what point is their at all to it?? If you race someone and lose then are you gonna cry foul that the persons car doesn't have wipers?? :rotfl: Why would anyone care who's car is completely 100% legal to the letter of the law? Are their people out there that anal?? I just find it funny as hell and see this stupid ass arguement over and over again. So keep going everyone, its gettin good! ok.. now I must "get over it" and "grow up" I guess
I know R & R's car ain't no street car.... wasn't it broke all last year??
F you Willamina! I have yet to ever see you car do a 100 plus mile night..Mines been trecking down to porkeys from Elk River for over a Decade.
As for Orange88.. You get all the power you want that Slomaro will never ever be quicker than mine Convertible Mustang. I have every equipment item that is needed in the eyes of the law and when you saw come road race you... ARE YOU F'IN KIDDING ME??!!!!! Go join SCCA and get your ass handed you , this board is about going fast in a straight line now corner carving.. That picture at the top of your screen.. Thats not a road racing car..
My point which you missed soo very well is that this debate is had over and over again and usually the concessions are being made by people that get their ass handed to them in and acceleration battle..
ha ha ha wish i would of remember that a few hours ago
Mine ran and drove all last year btw.. I ran 9.10 on 8 cylinders.....9.31 on 6 cylinders and it sat together for the raminder of the year, seems to me my car broken is still faster than yours working!:lol:
You don't have a street car. you have a sunny day car. lol
I averaged 3-4 days a week driving the car, just like any nice car. I would avoid driving in the rain. I consider my car as a street car. To each his own
I averaged 3-4 days a week driving the car, just like any nice car. I would avoid driving in the rain. I consider my car as a street car. To each his own
same here, and roll racing is for ricers and pussys