It's a short week for most. I'll start by listing one thing I'm thankful for...I don't drive a Ford!
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Thanksgiving week
Now that's one fast Ford. Who'd argue that it's not?
Ya know..I give the Ford guys crap because they do the same to me. There are quite a few Fords I like and have great memories going back into the 60s. The cars I have no problem with. 9 times out of 10 it's the owners I have issues with.
I just have a dislike for the Cobra and GT500 gang because they tout being superior to GM LSx powered cars.
In my opinion--if a production car has a blower, 4 cams and 32 valves, IT HAD BETTER BE FAST. Many owners, (including my nephew) think they're a dominating car. In my opinion, they're posers considering how they run compared to how they should run.
I was at a track I won't mention, (due to various reasons) and there was a new GT500 which the magazines and the Ford chat rooms claim run mid 11s. Well, obviously MOST DON'T. The guy ran low 12s and 11.90s and trapped around 120. No doubt impressive for a factory car, but not as advertised.
The chat rooms will swear up and down they run mid 11s though and if a GM guy disputes it, they climb all over them.
Next year should be interesting.
Interesting. Similar situation here.
I don't hate Fords either. Hell, I even owned a Mercury & two Fords back in high-school. But then I saw the light.
But the amount of ongoing crap I took from a bunch of the TCS crowd back when I lost a race to a ringer (who blatantly lied about what his car had under the hood) sure as hell didn't impress me very much. My GN blew the spark out in a couple jugs when the boost peaked, and started pouring white smoke out the pipes early into the run. I backed out of the throttle. (Bad plugs.) It was clearly obvious to anyone with a brain that something went wrong with my car. Nevertheless, the asshats gave me an endless amount of crap for losing to a car that had more money in its engine than what I paid for my GN.They acted like a bunch of little grade-school brats on the playground.
That, along with their incessant juvenile behavior, shit-talking, and e-penis swinging on the forums pretty much cemented my opinion of 'em.
JoelThere is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life. - Frank Zappa
Sounds similar to what I went through and one reason I have a strong dislike for those clowns. Of all the times I went to the track, not one of them lined up against me. Many never even went down a race track or raced in competition. And now over 90% of em don't have the cars they boasted about.
Most of those so called fast cars on that site will not go to the track because just like JR found our back in 05 that having a fast street car does not mean you have a quick track car. Most of these newer style street cars have the mph of a 10 sec. car but due to a variety of reasons inc. the driver will never run that quick and they know it. I used to catch crap for running NOS on my cars all the time and was called a cheater and even when I never used it, when the guy lost they still said I used the spray. Every time that happened I always offer to take the bottle out of the car and re-race them, no one ever did. Don't worry Joel, the guy with the 10 F 900 car is the biggest loser on that site, but what can you say about a guy who has been beat up by people, blows up 2 LT1's in a year, and his car has not moved in over 5 years under it's own power, now that is a record to be proud of. LOL
I think the reason they don't run 10s is because they don't set their cars up to have a good 60ft. I know I could pick up a few tenths by using a slick rather than a 17" drag radial but I like the "stock look". Most newer cars also stick with a short sidewall drag radial which is what they drive around on the street with. Also most of those high mph cars shine on the top end due to aerodynamics being better than an old car. There are plenty cars around the country running over 120 and running 10s or better and quite a few drive em to the track. If I had the power to trap that high, it wouldn't be that hard to run 10s. Just leave the line at 5500-6k, hook and the rest takes care of itself.