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  • #31
    Originally posted by DNeinstadt View Post

    u sit back like a choir boy playin innocent but just as guilty as the dicks that bash mrhp and zman. i know your type. you hate tco and act like your a friend. your just as big a jerk as punks on your bogus site. plus a cobra owner so thats double a jerk and a big asshole. us guys in quad citys see right threw your game. you backstabing bastard.
    the victim had semen on his trousers


    • #32
      Originally posted by Quadroflux View Post
      u sit back like a choir boy playin innocent but just as guilty as the dicks that bash mrhp and zman. i know your type. you hate tco and act like your a friend. your just as big a jerk as punks on your bogus site. plus a cobra owner so thats double a jerk and a big asshole. us guys in quad citys see right threw your game. you backstabing bastard.
      You sound even more drunk than I was last night


      • #33
        I agree shagwag. You sure you had as much to drink as quadro? But he might be onto something. Dan could step up and disagree with his guys in the "bash Bob & Glenn" thread. Bob and I have met Dan. Had pizza together and talked cars. He knows we're not the guys his members have made us out to be. Dan and I have disagreed over the years, but we don't let it get out of hand. Sometimes people just disagree. Certainly not asking for Dan to fight my fights. But I think sitting back and saying nothing means he agrees with his members. So Dan, you obviously have an opinion. Let's hear it.


        • #34
          I've been a member on TCS for a while but I don't post much there anymore. Every time I post, the same idiots like CAMSS30 and blowme_87gt jump on my back and spew their usual hate. The only reason they hate me is because I post on TCO. So the TCSers sit there and say the TCOers are the ones who are obsessed, but their hatred runs so deep that they will continue to talk shit to someone just because they post on a certain site. That tells you what kind of people they are.


          • #35
            Dan is a cool car guy, I won't fault him for having a cobra.


            • #36
              just as expected dan protects camss30 and the other punks at tcs no suprise there. glad he hasn't said anything just proves i'm right camss runs that place. Gerald says what I knew all along just puts it in better words than I can.
              the victim had semen on his trousers


              • #37
                Originally posted by Quadroflux View Post
                me and a bunch of guys hangin out tonight here in quad city and I showed them the tcs link, they said tcs is just a bunch of lame asses. mnstang and stormwalker are a couple hater fools. but camss is a confused tool. said they like mr.hp and z28ssman though.
                :lol: Sounds like a fun activity! Showing people from a different state a link to an automotive forum full of bullies! I find this story hard to believe, but if true....ummm...


                • #38
                  For the record, I don't have a problem with anybody on either forum. I just find it funny that this drama is still going after so many years.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by black z View Post
                    For the record, I don't have a problem with anybody on either forum. I just find it funny that this drama is still going after so many years.
                    Seems like drama is what people like on the intraweb. Like eveyone says, it's just the internet so it does not matter.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by black z View Post
                      For the record, I don't have a problem with anybody on either forum. I just find it funny that this drama is still going after so many years.
                      You've always been cool, black z.


                      • #41
                        Tough crowd I tell ya, tough crowd.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Quadroflux View Post
                          u sit back like a choir boy playin innocent but just as guilty as the dicks that bash mrhp and zman. i know your type. you hate tco and act like your a friend. your just as big a jerk as punks on your bogus site. plus a cobra owner so thats double a jerk and a big asshole. us guys in quad citys see right threw your game. you backstabing bastard.
                          It's called not getting involved since I don't get really butthurt on the Internet a whole lot. I don't hate TCO, I never have, never will. I think Bob & Glenn know that, and if you can't see it, I can't help you see it. I don't "hate" Internet sites where people can post their opinions. What I do dislike is ignorant people thinking they know me because of what OTHERS do and do not say, (in person or online). I don't think you don't know me, so I'm not sure you're qualified to say you know my type. I'm not really a jerk and and I'm not a Cobra owner anymore either. I'm not sure what I did to become a "backstabing bastard" to you but I don't think you really know me at all so I'm not taking your opinion too seriously.

                          Originally posted by Z28SSMAN View Post
                          I agree shagwag. You sure you had as much to drink as quadro? But he might be onto something. Dan could step up and disagree with his guys in the "bash Bob & Glenn" thread. Bob and I have met Dan. Had pizza together and talked cars. He knows we're not the guys his members have made us out to be. Dan and I have disagreed over the years, but we don't let it get out of hand. Sometimes people just disagree. Certainly not asking for Dan to fight my fights. But I think sitting back and saying nothing means he agrees with his members. So Dan, you obviously have an opinion. Let's hear it.
                          I see where you are coming from here Z28SSMAN but I don't really "stick up" for anyone on either site and really haven't done that a whole lot in the past either. I'm not on here telling you all how the guys on my site are right and you are wrong, so why should I do it on TCS for you? I plain and simply just don't get involved. I wasn't at Porky's the night things went down with everyone, I wasn't involved in Sean's issues with John Haley many years ago and I don't feel the need to stand toe to toe (virtually or in person) with someone in this world and argue about what happened on the Internet over the winter of 2013-2014. I'm a father and I honestly have much better things to do than watch people fight over and over about a 10+ year old issue. I'm on both/all car sites to learn stuff and be entertained from CAR GUYS. I'm not on the Internet just for drama. I guess I am in the minority there.

                          I also don't feel the need to take pot shots at others that I have never met nor do I feel like I need to step into a battle and support people that can clearly speak for themselves with their own mouths. I do have my own opinions and I will argue to those as I see fit (Ford, Ecoboost F150's, Cobra, etc), but "standing up" for others on one site or another isn't my game. I have much better things to do than that lately. By not posting in either thread about either site, I'm not passively agressively showing that I support anyone, I simply choose not to participate in the discussion. There is a difference, although based on what you are saying in this thread, I can see why others are jumping on the bandwagon and thinking I actively support one side of the discussion. I'll clarify and tell you I just really don't want to get involved. I am civil with all parties (that I know of) like Sean, Bob, Glenn, MNStang, FastMark, etc. I'd rather keep my "car guy" connections (even as limited as they may be) open and not burn any bridges with anyone because you never know what happens in this world. If that makes me a jerk, so be it. I just choose to keep my opinions about PEOPLE to myself most of the time.

                          Originally posted by MR.hp View Post
                          Dan is a cool car guy, I won't fault him for having a cobra.
                          Actually I sold my Cobra in October of 2012. I still have more Ford's than Chevy's in the garage but I still have a Chevy so not 100% a Ford family... I like to think of myself as a CAR enthusiast with a preference for Fords.

                          Originally posted by Quadroflux View Post
                          just as expected dan protects camss30 and the other punks at tcs no suprise there. glad he hasn't said anything just proves i'm right camss runs that place. Gerald says what I knew all along just puts it in better words than I can.
                          Actually I was just busy this past couple of days, TCO is a site I go to when I have a few minutes and I want to catch up with a crowd of guys I don't hang with on a regular basis and see pictures/stories/cars from the past. I'm not better than anyone here, and I'm not scared of discussion or ignoring the site because I'm afraid of conflict. If you really miss me that much you can always see the last time I visited was by looking at my profile....

                          I'm not "protecting" anyone. You want to sign on TCS and fling shit with the other monkeys in the zoo, be my guest. I will personally approve your membership (I manually approve them all anyways) I posted the same message in this thread 3+ years ago. (

                          Originally posted by DNeinstadt
                          Tradbuilt, not sure if you know me as well as you think. I don't get off on drama, and I know this wasn't directly at me, but what happened in the past at TCS/TCO was in the past, under different leadership and is certainly not my cup of tea. I have met some of the people on this forum in person and those that know me know that most of the bantering between this site and me are just goofing around.

                          As for allowing them back on TCS, I guess I don't see a problem with that. I think everyone should be allowed another chance and I don't know what happened to get them banned in the first place. I am much happier knowing that everyone is allowed to get back on TCS if they desire, and if the locals at TCS don't like that they can leave. I am not saying we should start a "look at me" thread, but if Mr. HP and Z28SSMan want to join back up, I'm not going to stop them.

                          I guess I'm not sure what good it does to setup a forum and invite only your friends. I'm more of the opinion that I invite everyone and exclude by exception vs. include by exception.
                          Originally posted by Dneinstadt
                          Yep.. If you have trouble logging in, let me know, I'll make it right.
                          Trying to clean up a little bit there.
                          Originally posted by dneinstadt
                          As far as I know, nobody from here is banned from TCS. If they are, let me know and I'll open them up. As long as they adhere to the few rules on TCS, all are welcome.
                          As for this site, it is what we make of it and there are a LOT of knowledgable guys here, I would love to hear more technical discussion from! That's why I'm here!
                          I urge you to re-read through that thread. That was some of the back and forth that sparks just about every year in the winter between TCS/TCO.

                          I said 3+ years ago that everyone was welcome to sign back on TCS and talk for themselves since I took it over from Punch. My guess is you'll tell me (like you did 3+ years ago) that my site is all spam, that you don't need or want to sign back on there and instead you'll stay here and continue to complain with the same attitude you have had for 3+ years. And then you'll complain that I don't do something about the guys on my site while you sit back and continue to insult me, someone you've never met, and you base (at least some) of your opinion of me by what I DO NOT post in my own site? Wow.

                          Originally posted by black z View Post
                          :lol: Sounds like a fun activity! Showing people from a different state a link to an automotive forum full of bullies! I find this story hard to believe, but if true....ummm...
                          Yeah, for someone that hates TCS so much and can't stand the site, you sure are promoting it to a bunch of Quad city guys. Why don't they sign on and talk smack to the local TCS guys? Would create some traffic and maybe others will stick up for you so I am not expected to.

                          Respectfully submitted,

                          1966 Mustang Fastback 2+2
                          2012 Ford Mustang GT convertible
                          2013 Ford F-150 FX4 ECOBOOST
                          1971 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 Clone

                          and others. :)


                          • #43
                            That there is. A lot of words.You tell them Dan.


                            • #44
                              Lol Dan, I appreciate your eloquent reply. The guys at TCS should appreciate you for allowing them to have a place to vent. Now, let's get together and have pizza or wings or whatever. Especially if Bob is buying. Food always tastes better when somebody else buys. G


                              • #45
                                I'm game. Winter get together?

                                1966 Mustang Fastback 2+2
                                2012 Ford Mustang GT convertible
                                2013 Ford F-150 FX4 ECOBOOST
                                1971 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 Clone

                                and others. :)

