This week I had a Blue Point tool that broke so I wanted to get it replaced and the tool guy said that Blue Point is not life time like the Snap On tools. I called BS on that and showed his the recipt that I have had since 1978 that said it does, no way he replied. I told the guy to F-off and get out of my stall and do not asked me if I need anything again as I will no longer buy from him. The tool is a Air Solvent gun the Snap On did not make at the time and is to be replace with a Snap On one as this is a USA made tool from Blue Point and those are thes ones that carry the lifetime warranty. He wanted me to pay almost $40 to fix it, f-that clown. I said I will get a new one from Harbor Freight for $8.50 and if it breaks they replace all hand tools for life.
Wait until the Snap On Zone rep comes in next time
him too.
Wait until the Snap On Zone rep comes in next time
