So today my son and I were at the swap meet selling stuff and my nut job neighbor from down the street that I have not spoken too in 5 years comes up and flips me off
. I told him to move along and then he flipped out if front of the crowd
spewing all kinds of crap from his mouth. I told my son to get security and the were looking for him and the cop said if he found him he would eject him from the show. I gave all his info to the cops. This guy was off his rocker today and needs to take his Prozac more often. The people were all laughing at him as he was walking away. One lady said that guy should see professional help:rotfl:
I have decided that since he danger to me and my son who I really scared for today that I am going to get a hand gun permit and conceal and carry. I will not take any chances with this clown. I do think that people like him should be locked away for life. He is a powder keg waiting to blow.

I have decided that since he danger to me and my son who I really scared for today that I am going to get a hand gun permit and conceal and carry. I will not take any chances with this clown. I do think that people like him should be locked away for life. He is a powder keg waiting to blow.
