Well it all started at the tender age of 3 when I met the neighbor kid. He had a "Big Foot" Ford Power Wheel truck, and I had a "Knight Rider" Pontiac Trans Am Power Wheel. He told me that his 12-volt powered truck was gonna blow my doors off. The GM vs Ford rivalry had begun.
Now I thought that Ford Big Foot was pretty cool lookin, however the neighbor kid was a real douchebag. Talkin all sorts of baby trash about how he was gonna beat me. Funny how Ford owners are asshats even when they are fresh outta diapers.
I told him I'd race him any time he wanted, but I preferred we do it in front of the New Horizon day care that we both attended. Right on the sidewalk out front where all the other babies could see.
Well that Ford d-bag's parents towed that Big Foot to the daycare (I drove mine there - I was a real badass) and we lined em up. I told him I'd give him a Power-Wheel-length cuz I was confident I'd reel him in.
One of my girlfriends flagged us off. She waved her barbie doll and he took off first. Then I hit it, and my plastic wheels spun a bit but once they hooked I immediately started pullin him in.
I was at his bumper at about 2 mph, and by the time I hit 4 mph I was ahead of him by a half Power-Wheel-length.
The kids cheered, and it was that day that I recognized GM's dominance over Ford. When I went back to shake hands with Mr. Big Foot, he was unable to show any signs of good sportsmanship because he was sobbing uncontrollably, and he had freshly shit his pants. His Big Foot's battery also shorted out, and his truck burned into a smoldering plastic pile of goo.
I didn't see him for a few weeks, but I did run across him about a month later and he was driving another Big Foot. Wasn't long before that Big Foot was up on his dad's jackstands and he was fixing broken parts with his Playskool plastic tool kit. Guess those Ford boys never learn.
What does gm have to do with toys? Maybe thats why their cars suck cuz they are as dependable as toys.
Oh I don't know Joe, It didn't me to have more than 16 valves to trounce your ass a couple of years ago and I will do it again here soon too.:laughing smile: