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Colon Cancer

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  • Colon Cancer

    Today my Mother in law passed away from Colon Cancer that had spread through out her body. She was 80 years old and never had a screening. I am putting this up to tell you guys if you are 50 or older like me to go and get a colonoscopy before it's too late. It is not a bad test and the day before might seem bad but, dying form something that can be prevented is stupid in my book.

    Out family will miss her. RIP.

  • #2
    Sorry to hear about your loss, Bob.

    Yeah, I've lost a few friends and relatives from that dreaded disease. It really is one of the more curable forms of cancer if caught early. The key is early screening.

    The colonoscopy procedure is really not a big of a deal. The prep used to be the worst part, but I hear that is easier now. Then they give you that drug that makes you "not give a crap" and you're done.


    • #3
      Sorry for your familys loss.


      • #4
        Sorry to hear that Bob. My condolences.

        The Twin Town Terrors are now on Facebook. Like us!


        • #5
          Thanks guys, I wish she had gone in sooner to get tested. It is too bad that she went through all the surgery and then get so sick only to pass away 3 weeks later. I hate doctors that do this with old people, I have a feeling they think they can save the world. The cancer had already moved into other parts of her body but the doctors said the had a real good chance to get it all, Humm....Too mant rocket scientists

          Wifey is going in next month to get here first test. The doctor that tested me said he worries more if your Mom or Dad had colon cancer rather than ones grandparents. I went in earlier this year after finding out my younger brother had polips, Mine was clean, No trouble found at this time.


          • #6
            You could have had your service dept perform your colonoscopy. Just picture them laying you on the hoist then hook up a little sedative from the exhaust tube hose.


            • #7
              Sorry to hear, my condolences.
              Let the hating begin!


              • #8
                I am very sorry for your loss. I lost my mom to
                colon cancer on New Years Eve five years ago.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Trailerguy View Post
                  I am very sorry for your loss. I lost my mom to
                  colon cancer on New Years Eve five years ago.
                  Thank you, my mom and half my family got it by cancer. Most of them were smokers though.

