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Bad day

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  • Bad day

    Today was shit, It started out when the old Exploder's fuel pump shit the bed (now going to the junkyard), then some stupid old ass bitch almost wiped out the Camaro, I let her know what I thought obout her running the red light. The day got worse as work made me put in a Ant. base in a gull size GM truck and that job sucks, The owner said it pays a 1/2 to put in. Little did he know that the job pays 2.8 hrs. and that really set him off.

    Thank God I am on Vac. next week and can get some stuff done.

  • #2
    No street racing please!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Z28SSMAN View Post
      No street racing please!
      LOL, Did that yesterday going on a parts run. Beat 2 fox body cars and 1 4th gen F car, But lost to the cobra from Wisc. Not bad though only 3 car lenghts,
      But a loss none the less.

