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Difference in mileage between nonoxy premium & gasohol premium

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  • Difference in mileage between nonoxy premium & gasohol premium

    Any of you guys with premium-burning daily-drivers notice a big difference in mileage between nonoxy premium & the ethanol premium? I few years ago, I used to see maybe a 1-2 MPG difference in my GTP, but that was about it. I decided to run nonoxy in it again a few weeks ago. Now, I'm seeing a significant difference. On the nonoxy 91 from Fleet Farm, I've been getting a whopping 26.5 MPG average! Nothing has changed, aside from the fuel. When I go back to the oxygenated stuff, the average is only ~22.5 MPG. That's a 17% increase in fuel-consumption. The nonoxy is only 20 cents more than the oxy premium. Let's say the nonoxy is 3.99/gal & the oxy is 3.79/gal. That's only a 5% decrease in cost. So, you pay 5% less, but you use 17% more fuel. Shit, I'm going to run nonoxy all the time!

    Given that I moved last fall, I have no way to compare my current average on the oxy stuff to what I got a year a go, but somewhere along the line, I noticed that my mileage on trips wasn't as good as it once was. I chalked it up to the age of the vehicle. Apparently, that is not the reason.

    Anyone know if they upped the percentage of ethanol in the past year or so?

    There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life. - Frank Zappa

  • #2
    Ya, ethanol is suppost to help clean the air and help the farmer, That is why the state gives them big money to make the stuff. The big farse is that to make ethanol they have to use natural gas to dry the corn so one uses a ton of energy to make the crap. I say we get rid of the subsidies and let them stand on their own feet. If this country want fuel mileage people need to slow down.


    • #3
      Well that leaves me out because I only use 87 in my DD.

      I tried the non-oxy in the Camaro and then went back to the plain old premium. I switched because I thought it was running a little fat.

      Now that I think of it, my mileage has decreased. Used to use 5 gal in 100 miles for my weekend pleasure driving which is mostly city. There's a considerable amount of wot in there too. Now it has dropped to around 17 -18 mpg. No difference in the way I drive either. If anything...I drive less agressive than before.


