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tcs punks

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  • #16
    I think some of you are taking this stuff way too seriously FYI. :)
    1966 Mustang Fastback 2+2
    2012 Ford Mustang GT convertible
    2013 Ford F-150 FX4 ECOBOOST
    1971 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 Clone

    and others. :)


    • #17
      punch's Mustang couldn't even beat a Lebaron. What a jerk, I hate him and TCS but I CAN'T STOP READING IT EVERY DAY!!!!!
      I am a total tool here and do not care about anyone but myself


      • #18
        I have nothing against D9 and I have nothing against Glenn, must make me some sort of anomaly?
        I am a total tool here and do not care about anyone but myself


        • #19
          Originally posted by DNeinstadt View Post
          Yep, I'm responsible for EVERYTHING TCS ever did, especially in the past.

          Wow.. :)
          the past? they just call zman a jerk while you are owner and you let them do it so dont give a cop out about it being the past like you couldnt do anything. you are the owner and you dont step up and defend zman unless you really agree he is a jerk. i'd like to see you or the tcs punks call him a jerk to his face
          the victim had semen on his trousers


          • #20
            Originally posted by Quadroflux View Post
            u love a site that has a history of racist views from member's? u love a site that calls z28ssman a jerk? i have met z28man and he's no jerk. your stupid assed site is nothing to be proud of. if u agre with the stuff they say then u are as guilty as they are. u must agree becouse u let them get away with it
            I guess I never understood this point of view. How is a website admin/owner responsible for what others think, say or feel?

            Think about a few things.

            Employers often check on what their employees post on Facebook, Myspace and other forums. Removing comments like that sometimes does more to protect the person that made the comments in the first place. If someone wants to post something that can damage their career and burn bridges or future opportunities, then why get in the way?

            How is posting racist views any different than judging an entire forum of 1500 people based a few that openly speak their minds? I’ve met a lot of good people on every website around. I’ve been inspired by people coming together for different causes and help each other out when in need. These people are bad as well?

            On some sites off hand comments are simply satire and only posted to stir the pot to see if they can get someone pissed off. Most people just ignore it. If you feel so compelled, why not instead of blaming the owner take the opportunity to speak up and address the people that offend you and see if you can come to understanding or at least let them know you are there? It’s an open forum and hiding behind the people providing the service won’t change anybodies mind or make them think about the comments that they may have made. I see it as a wasted opportunity, and those the most offended are the only ones that can express themselves in the most genuine manner. How much resentment is built up when walls are erected? Look at what the wall in Germany did to its own people.

            I came across people that stated that they felt it was an insult for others to speak up or look out for them on their behalf. It was as if the people protecting them were saying that they weren’t intelligent enough to speak for themselves, or that they felt like they were being treated like children. This had a big impact on me and made me realize how ignorant I was for not allowing others the opportunity to make themselves heard or even allowing them know who or what they were dealing with.

            But look at the greatest opportunity of all. Someone new took over TCS. Do they have the same views or beefs with other people that occurred in the past? I sure as hell don’t know, do you? Here’s probably the only chance to make amends and it’s being wasted right off the bat. Why not give D9 a chance or at least let the past go since it’s no longer an issue?


            • #21
              Originally posted by Quadroflux View Post
              the past? they just call zman a jerk while you are owner and you let them do it so dont give a cop out about it being the past like you couldnt do anything. you are the owner and you dont step up and defend zman unless you really agree he is a jerk. i'd like to see you or the tcs punks call him a jerk to his face
              How is that even a possibility? There's no way one guy could agree with the views of everyone on a forum. I'm assuming the comments were made simply to get someone stirred up and apparently they obtained their goal. I've had people say worse about me and forgot about it the next day. I've watched people post things like that about each other and seen them enjoying a beer later that same evening. If there's an issue I'm sure Glenn is capable enough to bring it up to the person that posted it or D9. Either way escalating the issue for either party isn't the answer IMO.


              • #22
                Here's my feelings on this, someone at sometime is going to get butthurt about something that is said about them from time to time on the internet. I do think that banter amongst the car sites is good, same as picking on other brands of cars.

                It's those that hold grudges that have to live with themselves and if that's their thing so be it. I have a car or two that can back up my mouth or keyboard, but most on the car sites don't even own nothing nice and hide behind the keyboard to get a rise out of pissing off others.

                I would close this but then again this is TCO and I just don't care and this thread like all with just die with time, So carry on.

                Boy Glenn, for a guy who has not been on a certain site for years, some still worship you:laugh_smile:


                • #23
                  Quadroflux obviously wasn't around during the height of the crud that has occured at sites such as tcs and mnfbody (neither deserving caps). He's only heard a fraction of what was said. He obviously is more irritated about the recent comments about me than I am. To call me a jerk is pretty mild in my opinion and pales in comparison to the history of what goes on over there.

                  Thanks Quadro, but I don't need anyone to fight my battles. Although, like Scorpner said, you have the right to speak and express how you feel.

                  Scorpner, you make some good points about free speech. Of course, it's more tolerable when you're not on the receiving end of the crud. Pretty easy to step up and criticize others who disagree with the very free speech you appreciate. Aren't they entitled to disagree? Isn't that part of free speech? Or should Quadro only disagree when it favors your point of view?

                  Regardless of what you may think, I appreciate free speech too. But here's the difference between tcs and TCO. I, as the owner of this site will not allow racist crud. It is plainly stated in the "read before posting rules". If you review any part of this site, you won't find it here. In contrast, it has been allowed at tcs as part of the site's make up. The previous owner allowed it and even defended it. Mr. Neinstadt, who I feel is a good man, has the choice to make. He can keep things the way they are and keep his mouth shut when racist comments rear their ugly head so he doesn't offend his cherished members, or speak up and denounce them. He, as the owner can object to any posts he feels are uncalled for or directed at anyone.

                  Scorpner, you seem to imply that free-speech takes precedence over what's right. If a person has the right to speak whatever they want, then why can't you find racist comments on websites at General Mills, General Motors, Ford Motor Company, US Banks, Wells Fargo, Wal Mart, etc? Are they suppressing free speech by not allowing their employees to post racist comments on their sites? Are they in danger of having the same effect of, as you say, the wall in Germany?

                  It's easy to sit back and do nothing. I, am built differently than many others. I prefer to do what's right than what's popular. What works for me may not work for Mr. Neinstadt though. I guess we'll both exercise our free speech rights.

                  I don't know what has been said at tcs regarding recent posts other than what I occasionally hear from others. Calling me a jerk is certainly nothing racist. I keep telling everybody that I honestly don't have time or need to waste my time on what I feel is an inferior site.

                  I think it's great that those who post certain comments think it's funny. They only expose themselves for who they really are. In my opinion, it is better to know your enemy so you can deal with them accordingly. If they were a closet racist, I would never know who they are now would I? Now if we could have the real closet racists speak


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by MR.hp View Post
                    Here's my feelings on this, someone at sometime is going to get butthurt about something that is said about them from time to time on the internet. I do think that banter amongst the car sites is good, same as picking on other brands of cars.

                    It's those that hold grudges that have to live with themselves and if that's their thing so be it. I have a car or two that can back up my mouth or keyboard, but most on the car sites don't even own nothing nice and hide behind the keyboard to get a rise out of pissing off others.

                    I would close this but then again this is TCO and I just don't care and this thread like all with just die with time, So carry on.

                    Boy Glenn, for a guy who has not been on a certain site for years, some still worship you:laugh_smile:
                    Yeah, I'm not looking for an argument just a different way of seeing things. I agree that some rivalry is fun and it would be great if more of that was going on instead.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Scorpner View Post
                      Yeah, I'm not looking for an argument just a different way of seeing things. I agree that some rivalry is fun and it would be great if more of that was going on instead.

                      Like a nice grudge race between the sites at a track, Would be kinda fun.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by MR.hp View Post
                        Here's my feelings on this, someone at sometime is going to get butthurt about something that is said about them from time to time on the internet. I do think that banter amongst the car sites is good, same as picking on other brands of cars.

                        It's those that hold grudges that have to live with themselves and if that's their thing so be it. I have a car or two that can back up my mouth or keyboard, but most on the car sites don't even own nothing nice and hide behind the keyboard to get a rise out of pissing off others.

                        I would close this but then again this is TCO and I just don't care and this thread like all with just die with time, So carry on.

                        Boy Glenn, for a guy who has not been on a certain site for years, some still worship you:laugh_smile:
                        They're pissed at me for exposing them for what they are. They thought no one would ever challenge them for what they thought was "free-speech".

                        They are pissed that I checked out and said I'd never post there again and didn't give them the satisfaction of banning me.

                        They are pissed that I now, with your help, have a site where they can't silence us and they have no power.

                        If they had been civilized and reasonable, it would have been taken longer to create this site.


                        • #27
                          well i didnt start the thread to cause trouble. i am not trying to fight your battle zman. everywhere i went while in the twin citys people talked about how tcs was full of pricks and a-holes. even here in quad citys i've ran across a couple guys who say the same thing. i am going to keep telling people about those pricks.
                          the victim had semen on his trousers


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Z28SSMAN View Post
                            They're pissed at me for exposing them for what they are. They thought no one would ever challenge them for what they thought was "free-speech".

                            They are pissed that I checked out and said I'd never post there again and didn't give them the satisfaction of banning me.

                            They are pissed that I now, with your help, have a site where they can't silence us and they have no power.

                            If they had been civilized and reasonable, it would have taken longer to create this site.
                            So, In otherwords they are pissed?:laugh_smile:


                            • #29


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Z28SSMAN View Post
                                Quadroflux obviously wasn't around during the height of the crud that has occured at sites such as tcs and mnfbody (neither deserving caps). He's only heard a fraction of what was said. He obviously is more irritated about the recent comments about me than I am. To call me a jerk is pretty mild in my opinion and pales in comparison to the history of what goes on over there.

                                Thanks Quadro, but I don't need anyone to fight my battles. Although, like Scorpner said, you have the right to speak and express how you feel.

                                Scorpner, you make some good points about free speech. Of course, it's more tolerable when you're not on the receiving end of the crud. Pretty easy to step up and criticize others who disagree with the very free speech you appreciate. Aren't they entitled to disagree? Isn't that part of free speech? Or should Quadro only disagree when it favors your point of view?

                                Regardless of what you may think, I appreciate free speech too. But here's the difference between tcs and TCO. I, as the owner of this site will not allow racist crud. It is plainly stated in the "read before posting rules". If you review any part of this site, you won't find it here. In contrast, it has been allowed at tcs as part of the sites make up. The previous owner allowed it and even defended it. Mr. Neinstadt, who I feel is a good man, has the choice to make. He can keep things the way they are and keep his mouth shut when racist comments rear their ugly head so he doesn't offend his cherished members, or speak up and denounce them. He, as the owner can object to any posts he feels are uncalled for or directed at anyone.

                                Scorpner, you seem to imply that free-speech takes precedence over what's right. If a person has the right to speak whatever they want, then why can't you find racist comments on websites at General Mills, General Motors, Ford Motor Company, US Banks, Wells Fargo, Wal Mart, etc? Are they suppressing free speech by not allowing their employees to post racist comments on their sites? Are they in danger of having the same effect of, as you say, the wall in Germany?

                                It's easy to sit back and do nothing. I, am built differently than many others. I prefer to do what's right than what's popular. What works for me may not work for Mr. Neinstadt though. I guess we'll both exercise our free speech rights.

                                I don't know what has been said at tcs regarding recent posts other than what I occasionally hear from others. Calling me a jerk is certainly nothing racist. I keep telling everybody that I honestly don't have time or need to waste my time on what I feel is an inferior site.

                                I think it's great that those who post certain comments think it's funny. They only expose themselves for who they really are. In my opinion, it is better to know your enemy so you can deal with them accordingly. If they were a closet racist, I would never know who they are now would I? Now if we could have the real closet racists speak
                                As far as being on the receiving end I think I mentioned that with an open forum it was up to whoever is offended to speak up. I would agree that there are limits to things in any situation but where those limits are, differ from person to person. If you are referring to the past, we had people present that would speak up if they felt it was necessary and they did so quite effectively. You were welcome to step up and do the same at any time.

                                I don’t see where I hindered Quadroflux in saying what he wants and I have no desire to do so. Sometimes when people disagree resolution occurs, sometimes people learn things, and other times they do not.

                                I would respectfully disagree that it’s not easy to step up to the plate with an opinion on something like this. As with anything that’s posted it’s usually easy to quote and pick apart, so the risk is quite high IMO. I didn’t really see that disagreeing with someone or offering a different point of view was criticizing. But I do feel that an opportunity is being lost and it’s worth stepping back and thinking about. I have no gain or loss in the situation so maybe I should have kept my mouth shut. But no one can say I didn’t at least try.

                                As far as the corporate world goes, it has more to do with what’s politically correct and how it affects the bottom line than what’s right or wrong. In most cases they’re going to do whatever makes them the most money. I’ve worked with people from many other cultures for over twenty years that openly violated those very rules every day. So when the rules apply to some and not other I’m sure resentment does occur. So I do see a wall being built in that sense.

                                In any rate I didn’t post to argue or cause trouble. I just felt that maybe there was a chance to let the past go and move on. So we shall see what happens from here on out I guess.
                                Last edited by Scorpner; 04-25-2010, 12:47 PM.

