Happy new year to all you TCO'ers, Mine sure is off to a bad start, Today I found out I don't get any holiday pay for the past week and I don't get paid for new years day. Sure did piss me off, Looks like I will be done soon for this employer.
To everyone here, and also those that are just checking us out.
Not to pea in anyones COCO PUFFS but I ended last year with the luck of having a job that gave me 1/2 the day off yesterday only to end it working 3 hours of o/t @ triple time and waking up today with the day off paid.
(OOoops did that sound like I was ) :roll_lol:
I was laid off for a long time!!! Sorry HP, LOL..............
Hope everyone has a Great "New Year", Health, Family, Friends and the Almighty $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.. ..
Here's wishing our TCO members a happy, safe and healthy new year.
Sounds like a sticky situation about your holiday pay MR.hp, so I'll stay outa that one.
But, you should talk to payroll to have them explain why you didn't get holiday pay. They make the rules, not the manager.
I just thought it was kind of crappy him not to say something ahead of time after getting paid for others in the past. Funny thing is that the check does have the hours on it for holiday but I got shorted for my regular pay and it looks like to me that he may be tring to cover his ass to keep from having more unappied time even though when I started he told me I was not an incentive tech and if that would have been the case I would not have taken the job. If it stands they will lose a good employee and I am not willing to work every Sat. again, That just plain sucks and I don't need a job that bad anymore. I do a lot of other stuff that I do not get paid incentive time for but that will change in the next 2 or 3 weeks or I am moving on. Hey mudtrucks got any job openings over at Kia?
Looks like he got his 'just reward'! Nice to know that at least sometimes, assholes get what they deserve! With any luck, in his next job, he'll end up with a boss like himself!
My current boss & I don't get along very well. Back when I first got the job, I found some critical problems with one of our test setups that caused large errors in our data. The errors were so bad, we had to throw out $500,000 worth of data. Later, I learned that my current boss designed the test setup and even gave the design to a few other groups. He's an engineer, and I'm the two-year tech who shot big holes in his work. He wasn't my boss back then, but he became my boss about a year later. He's been screwing me on my annual evaluations ever since. Unfortunately, upper management thinks he walks on water.
At one company, I got to interview my prospective bosses after the original guy quit. I thought it was pretty cool that the company actually gave a shit about what I thought. They hired the guy I also chose. I enjoyed working for him, and we became good friends. That was the only time I ever got to help choose my own boss. Wish I could do that again right now...
Here's to hoping you get a good one this time around!
There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life. - Frank Zappa
Joel, My old boss was not a bad guy but I guess he pissed off some customers. There were 2 tech today badmouthing him and said what a bad job he did, Kinda pissed me off as they both had wheels fall of of cars here in the last couple of months. I still think they should both be fired as the both talk on the cell phone and sit and text all day.
Gets better the tool service writer thay put in charge temporary took my my hoist away and gave it to the new guy and he can't fix anything.:rlol: Slow as piss and another cell phone user. Management needs to look at this and clamp down on this practice hard. Oh I forgot the one tech on the sat. that the wheel fell off also forgot to put oil in another truck that day too. Idiot