This to you who think you may have a problem here, Mr.Holiday you were restricted in the check in here section as we want to keep the area clean and civil. You have demonstrated in the past as I have read and from what Bob and Glenn have told me, You have been a problem here. Mr.88 You do not run this place Glenn and I do and I do not care what you do on other sites but to see you cry about being restricted tells me you are somewhat of a crybaby, If you and your so called friends do not like what is posted here about you then by all means you are welcome to go post someplace else, We will not miss you.
As for others that can read this and cannot sign in, There is a time limit that our site does prune out inactive members, So my suggestion to all of you is to rejoin if you like then sign in once in a while to keep your account active. I have talked with Glenn about some of this and he in agreement that it should stay the same.
Your participation here is what you make it, Bob and Glenn are hard core car guys and after getting to know them they are pretty funny too. I do know one thing Bob does love to tease people sometimes so much that he can piss them off doing it, How do I know, Because he has done it to me. Both these guys will help anyone in need as I have seen in person especially when out racing but because they choose to stand up for themselves they catch crap from others on line and hence the reason this site was made.
Most of the first members here were from the other so called "favorite site" came to cause trouble, Well they are mostly gone, Why? because they could post crap but when it came to taking their share could not handle it.
The other sites ban people for some things that we don't do here, We just restrict you and do not ban, So if you would like to be here and be part of our community great, If you came here to fight let me know in a PM and I will get you in that area and you can have it out. TCO is not going to go away so get used to seeing us and remember this the more you all talk about us on line or in person the more we get known.
This to you who think you may have a problem here, Mr.Holiday you were restricted in the check in here section as we want to keep the area clean and civil. You have demonstrated in the past as I have read and from what Bob and Glenn have told me, You have been a problem here. Mr.88 You do not run this place Glenn and I do and I do not care what you do on other sites but to see you cry about being restricted tells me you are somewhat of a crybaby, If you and your so called friends do not like what is posted here about you then by all means you are welcome to go post someplace else, We will not miss you.
As for others that can read this and cannot sign in, There is a time limit that our site does prune out inactive members, So my suggestion to all of you is to rejoin if you like then sign in once in a while to keep your account active. I have talked with Glenn about some of this and he in agreement that it should stay the same.
Your participation here is what you make it, Bob and Glenn are hard core car guys and after getting to know them they are pretty funny too. I do know one thing Bob does love to tease people sometimes so much that he can piss them off doing it, How do I know, Because he has done it to me. Both these guys will help anyone in need as I have seen in person especially when out racing but because they choose to stand up for themselves they catch crap from others on line and hence the reason this site was made.
Most of the first members here were from the other so called "favorite site" came to cause trouble, Well they are mostly gone, Why? because they could post crap but when it came to taking their share could not handle it.
The other sites ban people for some things that we don't do here, We just restrict you and do not ban, So if you would like to be here and be part of our community great, If you came here to fight let me know in a PM and I will get you in that area and you can have it out. TCO is not going to go away so get used to seeing us and remember this the more you all talk about us on line or in person the more we get known.
TCO Administration
Yeah, I do have a reputation for being a crybaby. That's why most people in the local scene hate me.
Glenn, I figured you'd know by now that almost no one on TCS gives a shit about you. There's no talk in the "secret forum" about anything provocative. The Senior forum is 99.9% about board rules, moderation or someone pointing out a spam account. It's complete uninteresting and. Don't be such a narcissist.
I am a total tool here and do not care about anyone but myself
Yeah, I do have a reputation for being a crybaby. That's why most people in the local scene hate me.
Glenn, I figured you'd know by now that almost no one on TCS gives a shit about you. There's no talk in the "secret forum" about anything provocative. The Senior forum is 99.9% about board rules, moderation or someone pointing out a spam account. It's complete uninteresting and. Don't be such a narcissist.
I don't know about that, Glenn is a TCS legend and it's too bad YOU can't see what we have in our secret area.
I try to only race guys i think I can beat too but it gets old racing hondas with fart cans. I hear the guy with the black cobra only wants to do frum rolls because he can't drive for shit. He has my slow piece of crap cobra coverd tho
Same here, accept I drive a Honda...only my fart can is a full stainless exhaust w/muffler, so it doesn't sound like ass (at least IMO).
Yeah, I do have a reputation for being a crybaby. That's why most people in the local scene hate me.
Glenn, I figured you'd know by now that almost no one on TCS gives a shit about you. There's no talk in the "secret forum" about anything provocative. The Senior forum is 99.9% about board rules, moderation or someone pointing out a spam account. It's complete uninteresting and. Don't be such a narcissist.
Well I feel so much better knowing that no one from tcs gives a shit about me. Whew! Now I can sleep soundly. Lol. Thanks for the info, I'm so relieved I feel like taking a dump. At least you and I are similar in that we don't care what people think about us. That's why I'm confused that you would label me as a Narcissist. If that were the case, I would have done everything possible to fit in at tcs and anywhere else for that matter. I've done just the opposite by selecting who I want to hang with. I don't need anyones approval or admiration, especially from those at a car site with a large proportion of bigots and racists. Nice try though Mr. tuff guy!
Well I feel so much better knowing that no one from tcs gives a shit about me. Whew! Now I can sleep soundly. Lol. Thanks for the info, I'm so relieved I feel like taking a dump. At least you and I are similar in that we don't care what people think about us. That's why I'm confused that you would label me as a Narcissist. If that were the case, I would have done everything possible to fit in at tcs and anywhere else for that matter. I've done just the opposite by selecting who I want to hang with. I don't need anyones approval or admiration, especially from those at a car site with a large proportion of bigots and racists. Nice try though Mr. tuff guy!
Don't forget to flush your Dirty mess and wipe before your Holiday 88 that will make all better :laugh_smile:
Yeah, I do have a reputation for being a crybaby. That's why most people in the local scene hate me.
Glenn, I figured you'd know by now that almost no one on TCS gives a shit about you. There's no talk in the "secret forum" about anything provocative. The Senior forum is 99.9% about board rules, moderation or someone pointing out a spam account. It's complete uninteresting and. Don't be such a narcissist.
As I read this thread sounds like the same stuff we have, Punk kids that think their shit is something, All they do is buy a car at the dealer then try to tell everyone how fast it is. Why don't they try building something and then tune the thing themselves, Too many pocketbook racers in the would.
As I read this thread sounds like the same stuff we have, Punk kids that think their shit is something, All they do is buy a car at the dealer then try to tell everyone how fast it is. Why don't they try building something and then tune the thing themselves, Too many pocketbook racers in the would.
Your assessment of the situation doesn't appear entirely accurate.
I am a total tool here and do not care about anyone but myself