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  • #16

    So there's an extra word in there...who cares???


    • #17



      • #18
        Originally posted by Z28SSMAN View Post
        The excitement meter has been low in here today
        Mr cocksucker is back!!!
        Last edited by fast toys; 09-08-2011, 02:49 PM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by blown 87gt View Post
          Mr cocksucker is back!!!


          • #20
            You do realize that it would be a lot funnier if it didn't say "Last edited by fast toys : 09-08-2011 at 03:49 PM" don't you?:rotfl: you guys are getting better at joking around though, I will give you that even though I am still a tool.


            • #21
              Originally posted by blown 87gt View Post
              You do realize that it would be a lot funnier if it didn't say "Last edited by fast toys : 09-08-2011 at 03:49 PM" don't you?:rotfl: you guys are getting better at joking around though, I will give you that even though I am still a tool.
              Does not matter if it's funny or not, He can Moderate you as he wants to. I just get a jolly that you came back for more.:funny shit:


              • #22
                Originally posted by MR.hp View Post
                Does not matter if it's funny or not, He can Moderate you as he wants to. I just get a jolly that you came back for more.:funny shit:
                Doesn't bother me one bit that you moderate me, I like jokin around with you guys. And you're now finally showing that you have a sense of humour. I understand that you don't want your site to get outta hand like tcs, but why be so uptight all the time? What fun is that? I bet you guys enjoy razzing me, as do I enjoy razzing you. It's all in fun though, I don't have anything against you guys, just trying to get some laughs outta you and your site. Like I've said before, if you don't want me to post just say the word and I'll never attempt to post again and you can delete my account. But I know you're gonna say something along the lines of "no you can still post so we can clown on you" and that just proves my point lol. Ball is in your court fellas, if you don't want me to post just say the word. Kthanksbye.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by blown 87gt View Post
                  Doesn't bother me one bit that you moderate me, I like jokin around with you guys. And you're now finally showing that you have a sense of humour. I understand that you don't want your site to get outta hand like tcs, but why be so uptight all the time? What fun is that? I bet you guys enjoy razzing me, as do I enjoy razzing you. It's all in fun though, I don't have anything against you guys, just trying to get some laughs outta you and your site. Like I've said before, if you don't want me to post just say the word and I'll never attempt to post again and you can delete my account. But I know you're gonna say something along the lines of "no you can still post so we can clown on you" and that just proves my point lol. Ball is in your court fellas, if you don't want me to post just say the word. Kthanksbye.
                  Ahh, nobody here is up tight, But when all you do around town is trash us what do you think is going to happen to ya? Here is the deal, You we are the old guys, But we don't have to take shit from anyone or anybody.
                  Shagwag said earlier this year "let's stop picking on tcs" so we said "Sure". Dan over there is a great guy and I have met him several times and even though he has Cobra I still like the guy why?, Beacuse Dan does not act like a tool in person or on line but he still has to put up with asshats like you. I told all the moderators here, The best way to get rid of someone is to tease them out of here or dump them in the doghouse. Guess what? I now see it worked on you. When you bump like 25 old threads and think you are funny and someone has to wipe you're ass like you are 5 years old the end result is you get moderated again. Duh.

                  So if you want to post fine with me but we will just keep an eye on you. It's you're call, How do you want to act?.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by MR.hp View Post
                    Ahh, nobody here is up tight, But when all you do around town is trash us what do you think is going to happen to ya? Here is the deal, You we are the old guys, But we don't have to take shit from anyone or anybody.
                    Shagwag said earlier this year "let's stop picking on tcs" so we said "Sure". Dan over there is a great guy and I have met him several times and even though he has Cobra I still like the guy why?, Beacuse Dan does not act like a tool in person or on line but he still has to put up with asshats like you. I told all the moderators here, The best way to get rid of someone is to tease them out of here or dump them in the doghouse. Guess what? I now see it worked on you. When you bump like 25 old threads and think you are funny and someone has to wipe you're ass like you are 5 years old the end result is you get moderated again. Duh.

                    So if you want to post fine with me but we will just keep an eye on you. It's you're call, How do you want to act?.
                    All I around town is trash you? Haha my town is quite a ways away from you so why would I do that? And Dan doesn't have to "deal" with me over there because I actually like that site and most of the people on it and it's actually a fun site to just sit back and read the posts so I don't even post that often. You come on here and there's maybe five new posts a day...booooooring. Why do you think I haven't come back in awhile? Surely wasn't because you "chased me away" haha. I was bored with you guys getting so butthurt when I'm joking around with you. Anyways like I said I couldn't care less if you deleted my account, not a fuck would be given by me.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by blown 87gt View Post
                      All I around town is trash you? Haha my town is quite a ways away from you so why would I do that? And Dan doesn't have to "deal" with me over there because I actually like that site and most of the people on it and it's actually a fun site to just sit back and read the posts so I don't even post that often. You come on here and there's maybe five new posts a day...booooooring. Why do you think I haven't come back in awhile? Surely wasn't because you "chased me away" haha. I was bored with you guys getting so butthurt when I'm joking around with you. Anyways like I said I couldn't care less if you deleted my account, not a fuck would be given by me.
                      You are just a punk, pure and simple. If you go away I won't miss you at all after cleaning up after you the other day. So long, We'll miss you at first:rotfl:


                      • #26
                        What I don't understand is if you dislike this site so much and it's so boring here...why are you here?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by blown 87gt View Post
                          All I around town is trash you? Haha my town is quite a ways away from you so why would I do that? And Dan doesn't have to "deal" with me over there because I actually like that site and most of the people on it and it's actually a fun site to just sit back and read the posts so I don't even post that often. You come on here and there's maybe five new posts a day...booooooring. Why do you think I haven't come back in awhile? Surely wasn't because you "chased me away" haha. I was bored with you guys getting so butthurt when I'm joking around with you. Anyways like I said I couldn't care less if you deleted my account, not a fuck would be given by me.

                          I don't know what your problem is but if you come in here to troll, then your posting priviledges will be restricted. Like I've asked you before--if this site is so boooooring, then why are you here?

                          You came in here and bombarded numerous threads with a bunch of trolling which had to be cleaned up and you resort to sending emails to the administrator complaining about being harassed?

                          You really have issues you need help with bud. You're probably not going to get the help you need from us.


                          • #28
                            Wow, I have been away too long.

