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The Johnny do gooders are at it again

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  • The Johnny do gooders are at it again

    Looks like Oregon is trying to stop the aftermarket parts buis. What a bunch of Dickbags :banana::banana:

  • #2
    link no worky


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      • #4
        Here is what was posted:

        Oregon Introduces Bill to Prohibit Sale
        of Aftermarket Parts

        At the request of Governor Theodore Kulongoski, the Oregon Speaker of the House has introduced legislation (H.B. 2186) to prohibit the sale and distribution of aftermarket motor vehicle parts if alternatives are available that “decrease greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles.” The bill is primarily focused on aftermarket tires and would authorize the Environmental Quality Commission to implement enforcement regulations, likely based on a rolling resistance calculation.

        We Urge You to Contact Oregon Speaker of the House Dave Hunt and Members of the Environment and Water Committee (Contact Information Below) Immediately to Request Their Opposition to H.B. 2186

        H.B. 2186 would regulate vehicle fuel economy, an authority reserved to the federal government.

        H.B. 2186 could ban tires that may have improved performance, handling or appearance features, based solely on a rolling resistance rating. In addition, this program could easily distract consumers from focusing on more important safety issues such as tire inflation and overloading of vehicles.

        H.B. 2186 would force consumers to purchase only original equipment manufacturer (OEM) tires because the program essentially exempts OEM-selected tires and unfairly implies that they are superior to aftermarket products.

        H.B. 2186 could prohibit aftermarket parts designed to either personalize or optimize specific vehicle performance attributes including handling, towing, suspension, fuel economy, etc.

        H.B. 2186 provides broad authority to government regulators and could limit a range of aftermarket parts currently available to consumers based on the subjective determination of government regulators.
        DON’T DELAY! Please contact Oregon Speaker Dave Hunt and the House Environment and Water Committee immediately to urge his opposition to H.B. 2186.


        • #5
          wtf, BS! they want shitty handling cars? to NOT better fuel economy... buy regulating fuel economy...? well, i hope it all gets squashed soon so it don't spread like the smoking bans..

