shitty.. but being in the same boat i have been getting some things done around here.. swapped transmissions in the daily. got the grand am painted.. im sure you have some things to keep yourself busy.
87 cutlass
76 olds 350/t56 3.73's
87 olds 442 - old mans ride
355 sbc, th200-4r, 3.73's
That sucks Lance!! They give a decent package or just a boot?
Any word on the toolroom? Gary? Sonnek?
Yeah its a pretty good severance package. I haven't found out about anyone else yet, they got me early in the day. They pretty much said don't expect any call backs, it looks that grim. 950 were cut in Hutch alone.
[QUOTE=jollywrencher;25614]Just got the axe today!! HTI had their big layoffs, not sure how many were cut yet. Now I'll have more time to work on my projects I guess.
I'm not in a big rush to find anything right now, but I'll keep my ears open just in case something good comes along.
I've been waiting to see if I was gonna be laid off or not before I start spending a bunch on my motor. Now I don't think I'll change as much as I would've liked. I wanna go through my tranny too so that'll take some cash.
We had to start 32 hour weeks this week, and thats after laying off two guys right before Thanksgiving. My sons sponsor is also pulling back on some of the big things we were gonna do this summer. F@#kin economy!?:shitsweak:
That sucks, I got laid off in early December form 3m. I was just manpower. I did hear 3m was most likely going to be laying off some full timers though...but thats just a rumor.
That sucks, I got laid off in early December form 3m. I was just manpower. I did hear 3m was most likely going to be laying off some full timers though...but thats just a rumor.
I was waundering where you went? Oh well, on to bigger and better things right?! I heard we were going to lay off fulltimers too but nothing happened as of yet. Traver
I was waundering where you went? Oh well, on to bigger and better things right?! I heard we were going to lay off fulltimers too but nothing happened as of yet. Traver
My bigger and better things are unemployment o well, still picking up parts here and there. My mom told me they were going to most likely lay off a bunch of the full timers.