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TCO's first year

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  • TCO's first year

    Well, TCO is one year old and it's been interesting to say the least.

    602hp kept recommending that we needed our own site. It took over a year to convince me that it was a good idea. The reason why I was reluctant to start a site was because I felt that it wouldn't attract many local car I really didn't have the time to maintain a site.

    Why did I feel this way? Well all I had to do was read the garbage that was posted on a popular local site which had the largest amount of members. That tone was pretty much accepted around this town. Then came Minnesota Muscle, and although it was an alternative to the "other site", the owner decided to do the popular thing rather than the right thing and basically allowed his site to fold.

    Many of the locals probably felt that they had gotten rid of me, 602hp and 98cobra s/c once and for all. Boy were they wrong!

    To review where we've been...

    The site secretly started on 12/25/08.

    We had people come aboard who expressed their loyalty, then showed their true colors by stabbing us in the back (no surprise there).

    A Camaro owner whined (like a little bitch) about a local controversial businessman's posts, which led me to ask the businessman to back off. As a site owner, I tried to be neutral by doing this. Afterwards, the Camaro owner ended up jumping ship and the businessman stayed aboard. I obviously sided with the wrong person there.

    We had a 'Gloves Off' section where people came in and rather than debate about cars, tried to deliberately wreck our site.

    Then I exposed another popular site's acceptance of unacceptable garbage similar to the same garbage posted on the biggest site. I could have sat back and said nothing, but that would have been the popular thing to do to get acceptance in the community rather than the right thing. I chose the right thing.

    After this confrontation, most people who had signed up, fled TCO like a bunch of mice after the cat entered the room. They would rather be accepted by their cronies than speak out about garbage. But I guess if you AGREE with the garbage...then why speak out?

    We then had a quality group of Southern Minnesota Members come aboard which added just what we needed....guys who talk about cars and car related stuff and actually race their cars.

    We had a benefit at John Haley Motorsports for a member who needed our support. Although the weather sucked, I felt the event was a success. Local car enthusiasts contributed food, money and their support for our member. John Haley worked tirelessly from before noon until after midnite running the dyno. He provided his shop and his time without asking for anything in return. Of course, some from TCS only criticized our efforts. No surprise there.

    Unfortunately, with sadness, we lost a good member Jason (JJRP57) who passed away. May he rest in peace.

    Other boards have started in order to offer an alternative to the big sites. Time will tell if they will be successful. Our board may never match the volume of members found around town...that's obviously never been my goal. I'm a "car guy". I grew up working on them...I've made a living selling them...I've raced and continue to race them. I've fortunately had great success winning in competition, because I know what it takes to win. That's the tone of what TCO is about.

    The next time you sign on to another board, you need to ask yourself if the owner of the site is a car guy. Does he even own a race car? Has he accomplished anything regarding winning in competition? Can he build an engine, install it and win with it?

    I, along with 602hp know what it takes to build something from scratch and win with it. We're still working on 98 cobra s/c to show him how it's done. lol

    Here's looking to a great and prosperous 2009 for TCO and those who decide to hang with us.

  • #2
    Well said, And for those who we got rid of, No hard feeling as it's only the internet.
    I have learned a lot since last year and now that we can moderate who signs up has really helped.

    For whatever the reason that some do not come here anymore is not a big deal as this is a place about cars. The real drama stuff is no more and the other sites can have it as I have gotten rid of a couple of sections that at times got heated.

    The fact is that some just joined so they could just bitch about this place and were never happy about anything and others are happy we started this place. I agree with the ZMAN that a group of them came here to wreck this place at the begining, But as with everything people change and so do websites. I just look at how slow a lot of them are now due to the bad economy and how people are out of work now. Last year gas was $4.00 a gal. and that did not help the car scene much either.

    Some people favor this site or that site but in the end most usually go to the site with people they hang out with. Since I hang out with the Zman and 98 cobra I guess I will stay here. If you want this place to change or have an idea then speak up otherwise we will make the changes, It's as simple as that.

    I would like to thank all the members here who have helped out this past year, In '09 there will be more street racing and more cruising and we WILL have a TCO drag day.


    • #3
      I like what you say when you talk of doing the right thing versus the popular thing. Usually there is quite a difference and in the instances you talked about there certainly was. I didn't post much in '08 but I hope to be a little more involved in '09.

      I initially came here as I saw it as an alternative to some of the other local car sites that when you boiled it down, one in particular, seemed to revel in high school type gossip and coded language and offer very little in the way of automotive technical knowledge and expertise.

      '09 could be a tough year for car guys especially when gas prices shoot back up. Maybe not this year but soon I'd bet there will be legislation that car guys may not like both at the local and national level, ie: taxes, car crushing proposals, etc. Personally I'm hoping to have a great car year and hope you guys do to.


      • #4
        jeez, i'm getting all teary eye'd........ it turned out as it was meant to be. so be it. time to turn and burn......lmfaox2


        • #5
          It's good to have you back Jumpercables. I think you may be right about this year possibly being tough for car guys. We'll just have to be wiser on how we enjoy our sport.


          • #6
            I know I don't post much here, but I've got to say, I'm impressed with the tone around here.
            I think a forum with a "no bullshit" policy is just what's needed.

            Here's to a great 2nd year!


            • #7
              I know we will be having an NHRA section and the Rock falls, BIR and CF report section too this year.


              • #8
                It's been great gettin to know and meet some of you. I'm not a huge computer type person but try to get on here when I can, which is not very much BTW. I'm not one for the drama scene, so this place is a good fit for me. I just need to chime in a little more often.


                • #9
                  the new sections should be fun. I will probably post the slowest times this year.. but hey, a budget and only being 20, and building an olds small block should count for something

                  87 cutlass
                  76 olds 350/t56 3.73's
                  87 olds 442 - old mans ride
                  355 sbc, th200-4r, 3.73's


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 602hp View Post
                    I know we will be having an NHRA section and the Rock falls, BIR and CF report section too this year.
                    Don't forget Grove Creek.

