Usally I would race on the streets, but recently I decided that I want to try out racing on the track so I was just wondering witch one is better racing on the track or racing on the streets
Usally I would race on the streets, but recently I decided that I want to try out racing on the track so I was just wondering witch one is better racing on the track or racing on the streets
The track and not so much as the track itself but it eliminates the you cheated you took off first crap or I wasn't ready or I stayed with you so I must have the same times as you.
Once you get there there is a start and a finish The End and then if someone then you can rerun them again Oh ya you get a timeslip too can't remember the last time I got one of those on the street:lol:
Think about it except for the paying of money to go to the track a lot of people are afraid to see want their car runs as they think that if they run slow peolple will give them crap about it.
A 9 sec or 8 sec DR street car that runs these times at the track would be lucky to stay in the 11's on the street. Frum dig of course. I run low 10's at the track on the spray and have only a few times been albe to hook out of the hole on spray on the street (spring) and that is with 31x16.5 slicks.
Nope in time trials everything is run by classes such as at the rock King of the hill
or Street eliminator and cars can run anything in a class from 7.50 e.t. to 17.0 e.t.
Now in the Muscle car type shootout races then cars are grouped together by times then run off untill tha quickest car wins.
Most tracks have bracket racing [boaring] then you have to dial in a time based upon your time trial runs and you cannot run under that time or you lose or if both cars go under the one that goes under the least wins. I prefer good old heads up racing
I take it you have not raced at the track yet?
I like racing at the track because it lets me know exactly where I stand and gives me a benchmark on improvements that I make to the car so I can see what works and what doesn't. I like racing on the street because there seems to be more s**t talking, you can put people out lengths and race cars that you normally wouldn't see at a track.
My vette I loved bracket, I was decent and consistant and could take out much faster cars w my setup. Bracket is a game of skill where Heads up is a balls to the wall who has the fastest car usually has the most money in it.
I like racing at the track because it lets me know exactly where I stand and gives me a benchmark on improvements that I make to the car so I can see what works and what doesn't. I like racing on the street because there seems to be more shit talking, you can put people out lengths and race cars that you normally wouldn't see at a track.
Ya the guys who talk crap are the one's always say mine is a street car
I rememember one dude who talked crap all year he had 10 second ride then someone took him out to the track and the car ran high 11's. He always wanted to race my 68 bird on the street untill I uncorked a 11.17 at the track [I was just playing at the track that day] after that he never asked again
Track rat here!
Racing at the track is alot better to me than racing on the street. Its safer, you dont have to worry about getting tickets and party'n afterwards is always a blast. And I have to agree the track seperates fact from fiction. You'll really see what your car can do and so will everyone else so theres no bullship! Ever since I started drag racing its always been about making my car faster not beating the next guy. If you concentrate on your car and not worry what the other guy is doing you should do pretty good.
Nope in time trials everything is run by classes such as at the rock King of the hill
or Street eliminator and cars can run anything in a class from 7.50 e.t. to 17.0 e.t.
Now in the Muscle car type shootout races then cars are grouped together by times then run off untill tha quickest car wins.
Most tracks have bracket racing [boaring] then you have to dial in a time based upon your time trial runs and you cannot run under that time or you lose or if both cars go under the one that goes under the least wins. I prefer good old heads up racing
I take it you have not raced at the track yet?
well I don't know what my car runs but it might run 13s so I should probably stay off the track
Look at it this way your e.t. has to start someplace mine way back started in the 17.0's
2 years ago I put a bone stock engine in my race car it ran 13.0 even though it was way slower than my race engine I still had a good time.
Track rat here!
Racing at the track is alot better to me than racing on the street. Its safer, you dont have to worry about getting tickets and party'n afterwards is always a blast. And I have to agree the track seperates fact from fiction. You'll really see what your car can do and so will everyone else so theres no bullship! Ever since I started drag racing its always been about making my car faster not beating the next guy. If you concentrate on your car and not worry what the other guy is doing you should do pretty good.
See thats the thing I don't want to pay 200 dollars or how ever much it costs to go to a track run low times and sit and have people give me shit all day were if I go to the streets I sit and beat all of the shit talkers.
Nobody will give you a hard time For the most part people are glad to see another racer and are usually willing to help out. If your racin with some buddies ya they'll give ya a little grief. After you make a couple runs usually everybody is willing to give you a few pointers if your havin issues. Most every street racer that goes to the track for the first time really enjoy's it and next thing you know they're talkin about slicks,safety loops and so on
well I don't know what my car runs but it might run 13s so I should probably stay off the track
I only run at the track, cuz I cannot get a ticket cuz I have a cdl and use it for my job. Plus ticket's are double trouble for cdl ownwer's cuz they can pull your cdl if caught speeding by over 15mph, what a crock that is. Now, I like the track cuz of what 602 said, it has a start and a finish and a time slip. you leave early you lose..... but except for a few grudge match's against friend's, i'm racing against stranger's and racing to see just how quick I can go and to try to do better than the last run. Street racing is fun but a ticket for 10mph over the limit is 124.00 bucks, i think 50mph over is like 380.00 buck's or more. I can't remember exactly, and license's are suspended for street racing and for over 100mph....... the track does cost me money to go, trailer, gas, entry fee's etc. so that's about 200.00 to 250.00 buck's total. and 80.00 buck's of that is trailer rental. Broke down quite a few time's when i went so i'll never go without the trailer. But i also like test day's cuz you can get in more run's then a race day but test days are more money. So if I'm short on money I don't go much, only went once last season and that sucked. Plus I only go to the rock cuz iowa cost's more in gas and by going to the rock it'll be about the same on price and less driving time..... But like someone else said you can see what your car will do and also monitor what each mod does for your car.......