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The Pez of The Pharaohs of Minnesota needs your well wishs

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  • The Pez of The Pharaohs of Minnesota needs your well wishs

    I just thought I would let youall know our Prez Robert is going into the hospital again . His parents set up a caring bridge site so everyone can check on how he is doing and leave messages for him . Here is the link to that site if any of you would like to leave him a message or find out more about what he is and has gone through in his life . I would consider it a personal favor if you would go there and sign his guest book and leave a message for him , Hes not going in till the 21st of nov but I know it would mean a great deal to him to read / hear all the well wishes from other Mn motor heads . This surgury is a big one and I know its got him a bit scared .

    Thank you
    Steve aka Squarepants

  • #2
    Sorry to hear and we sure will do and if you need any help from our guys let us know and thanks for letting us know
    I made this a sticky so we can keep on top of this
    Maybe we could do something with the Traditionals for Christmas for Robert
    Last edited by MR.hp; 11-15-2008, 11:44 PM.


    • #3
      Thanks for the offer . Ill keep it in mind .


      • #4
        I am forwarding a big Thank you from Robert and his family . I just got off the phone with his mom and his Dad read all the messages to him that everyone posted . He cant believe so many people from all over the country and from so many different clubs are thinking of him . He got a big kick out of how many people from different states left him well wishes his Mother said it made him smile bigger then he had in quite a while . So Please keep the messages coming it means a great deal to him , keeps his mind off of what is to come .

        Thank you everyone for caring so much about Robert even though you may have never met him . It means a great deal to all of us .

        Mary and Bopper , Robert Brown


        • #5
          No problem and thanks for letting us know and keep us posted on his progress
          And I urge the rest of you guys here to take some time for a guy down on his luck to just say HI as it would mean so much to someone when they are feeling a little down.
          So come on guys.


          • #6
            I thought I would post a few pictures of our Pres Robert . As you can see he is ALWAYS smiling He can make anyones day better . The blue car in the pics is his 65 Rambler or as he calls it his 65 Chick magnet . The blue 4dr chevelle in one of the pics is one of his old cars he has also had a 71 LTD 4 dr , he really likes 4 drs I asked him once whats with the 4drs? , he said more room more women . The pic (takena few yrs ago) of him on his scooter is from a bike show here in mn where he won his class several yrs in a row . The big guy with him (the sholders hes sitting on) in the pics is of course his father and his mo is sittig next to him in another .


            • #7
              What a great looking kid I hope my Son and I get to meet him next year.

              Sounds like we all need to do a cruze for Robert next year.


              • #8
                Ill be posting entries from Roberts Moms journal from his page so everyone can keep updated on how he is doing .

                Also please keep the messages on his guest book coming its really great how many people from other clubs and just hot rodders / fellow moto heads from all over the country have signed it , Its really helping he cant believe so many people are thinking of him in his time of need . Keep it up guys and gals THANKS ALOT !!!!!

                MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2008 06:14 PM, CST

                Today has been another good day for Robert. He had a doctor appointment for his pre-op visit. He is such a character! His doctor informed him that he needed lab work done and Robert was not happy about that. As we entered the room to begin the blood work, he said to the lab tech, "I have two requests before you do this. First, please be very gentle with me and second, don't walk me through it." The lab tech stated that she could handle those requests. He held out his arm and never moved. This tells me our son is definitely maturing.

                Each day he has been asking for a few more details about his surgery. How long is the surgery going to be? When will I wake-up? Who is going to sleep there with me? I want him to have his questions answered, but I don’t want it to consume every moment until Friday.

                He absolutely loves all of the entries written in his journal-thanks to everyone. It will help us all get through the upcoming hospital stay.

                Tonight his Auntie Janet came over to give him some sugar. She and Robert watched his new favorite tv show-"Two and a Half Men". I’m not sure which of them laughed more! The rest of the evening will be spent watching another favorite show-WWE Monday Night Raw.


                • #9
                  I thought I would post Roberts story for those who havnt gone to his caring bridge web site . So you can see why he means so much to me and our club and to everyone he has met .

                  Robert is a 13 year old young man, who was born premature at 27 weeks gestation. He has cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus and is legally blind. He has had many struggles in his life so far, but remains happy, kind hearted and helps keep life in perpsective for many.

                  When Robert was born, he weighted 2lbs. 10 oz. He had an uphill battle from day one. There was not much hope that he would survive. He was constantly surrounded by his five brothers and sisters, Michelle, Jason, Mitch, Scott and Stephanie as well as many other relatives providing him with love and encouragement.

                  Robert was hospitalized for the first four months of his life. His biggest obstacles were his premature lungs and because of that he was on a ventilator for a very long time At about 3 months old, he was diagnosed with meningitis. Finally when Robert stabilized we were able to bring our son home. That only lasted 3 days and during the next 3 years it continued-a fews days home and a few months back in the hospital. We would call Children's Hospital our home away from home for the next three years.

                  Little did we know, the real fight was about to begin for him. Robert continued to struggle with his breathing and shunt malfunctions or shunt infections. He endured many difficult surgeries including shunt surgeries, several eye surgeries and placement of a gastrostomy tube. We feel very fortunate to have had some of the most compassionate and caring medical professionals help him and us through each hospital stay.

                  Our friends have been a tremendous help to us. When Robert was five and ready to begin school, Dave and Judy and the Minnesota Pharaoh's car club put together a benefit on Robert's behalf to purchase an electric wheelchair for him. The benefit was such a success that we were also able to have a ramp built for our house. The Pharaohs named Robert their president and continue to be a big part of our family’s lives. It is always a highlight for him every time he attends a car show or a get together with the Pharaohs. A huge thank you to everyone in that car club.

                  Robert loves all modes of transportation. His usual ride is either his electric wheelchair or his manual wheelchair equipped with chrome spinners. He is a frequent passenger behind his dad on their Harley Davidson Road King. His dad has a special trailer that carries the wheelchair behind the motorcycle. Robert also is the proud owner of a 1966 Rambler Classic. If they are not traveling on the Harley you will see them crusing the avenue.

                  St. Paul Harley Davidson has a special place in their heart for Robert. Owner's Tom and Melanie always treat Robert like he is one of their own children and their compassion for him is wonderful. Robert always looks forward to visiting them at the store or at local car events.

                  Another large part of Robert's life has been spent being a spokesperson for the Flood Run with his buddy Brian Zepp from KQRS. The Flood Run is a charitable motorcycle run that raises funds for children with special needs. Robert, along with scores of motorcyclists, have raised and donated tens of thousands of dollars to Gillette Hospital and other kids in need. Through this journey he has made another set of near and dear friends. A couple of years ago, he designed an motorcycle with Ron from Extreme Custom Choppers for a raffle to raise even more money.

                  Robert attended Mississippi Creative Arts school in St. Paul for six years. He is now enrolled at Bridgeview school, also in St. Paul. He enjoys school and his teacher Deb and loves swimming in the "really warm pool" with Mike. He recently had the lead role as "Josh" in a play performed with his classmates. He has built some very good relationships and lasting friendships with staff and kids from both schools.

                  I can't forget to add that he is an avid WWE - Raw wrestling fan. We have not missed any of their shows at the Target Center. He puts plenty of time in on the PS2 playing Smackdown and when his is done with the TV him and his dad have live wrestling matches.

                  Last year in October, Robert had his 42nd surgery to help correct his legs. Unfortunately he ended up spending a lot more time than was expected for him in the hospital. His long recovery was helped by the all of our family and friends. We could not have made it through those tough days or the days ahead without you. Bopper and I are so grateful for your love and kindness.

                  Thank you,


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the update Squarepants and keep them coming and I will leave this thread open as long as you need.


                    • #11
                      WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2008 06:42 PM, CST
                      Today was GREAT! School is really helping him keep his mind off Friday. This is Homecoming week at his school, Bridge view; today's event was rope wrestling and arm wrestling and Robert participated in both. He had American flags hanging from his chair, the children and staff were cheering, each child had wrestling names. When the ring announcer called Robert the Undertaker Brown and he drove off in his chair, I could hardly hold back the tears. He had his arms wailing in the air as proud as he could be and he won both of his matches. He really feels like a champ, there are some real dedicated staff, they work to make sure each child feels included, special and they really work on their self-confidence. Music was playing, kids were dancing and clapping their hands. My heart was filled with joy and pride watching each of those children really enjoying life. Thats what it is really about, they each have so many struggles in their lives, but they are so happy and full of love.

                      This afternoon we went to another one of Robert's favorite stops, none other then St. Paul Harley. He spent sometime trying to sweet talk Marge. Then his buddy Tom walked-up and the rest is history. Robert and Tom had their special time talking (with no one in listening distance). I believe it's called guy talk. He now has a picture of a diva on a Harley to decorate his hospital room. Melanie thank you for the prayer shawl. Both of you mean a lot to our family and Robert loves you very much.

                      It's been a big week for the whole family. The unknown and the anticipation is taking it's toll on all of us.


                      • #12
                        I have had many requests for an address where cards / gifts can be sent for Robert . Heres the address

                        Gillette Children's hospital
                        C/O Robert Brown
                        200 University Ave. E.
                        St. Paul, MN 55106


                        • #13
                          THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2008 07:04 PM, CST

                          Robert had a good day at school. Once we left school he had a major breakdown. He was able to cry and tell me just how scared he is. I think he has been doing the best he could to hold back his tears. He wanted to know if we could just skip this surgery. It's a very sad day in the Brown household. I think it is going to be a very long night for him. We will update after surgery tomorrow.

                          He did get his hair cut from his favorite barber Rich. Mary

                          Please Keep the well wishes coming , The coments left on his guest book mean even more at a time like this with his surgery being in the morning . I have been greatfull for everyone , the out pouring of support and well wishes is unbelieveable KEEP IT UP Thank you for everything Steve

                          For those who missed the link to Roberts Caring Bridge web site where support and well wishes can be left here it is .



                          • #14
                            Sorry to hear and we will all keep him in our prayers and thank you Steve for helping this little guy. I know all will go well tomorrow.


                            • #15
                              FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2008 10:46 AM, CST

                              Robert went into surgery at 7:00. So far so good.

