I just changed how many smilies can be viewed on the first page, but I haven't figured out how to get rid of the dorky one's that came with vbulletin. I deleted them and tried to replace or overwrite with a better version and it tells me the file already exists.
I'll get that fixed shortly, I just haven't had the time.
The rep box? I dunno I just turned that switch on while I was in there turning other stuff on like the quick reply option fotoboy wanted.
I just changed how many smilies can be viewed on the first page, but I haven't figured out how to get rid of the dorky one's that came with vbulletin. I deleted them and tried to replace or overwrite with a better version and it tells me the file already exists.
I'll get that fixed shortly, I just haven't had the time.
The rep box? I dunno I just turned that switch on while I was in there turning other stuff on like the quick reply option fotoboy wanted.
YW for that link. I love that site. Might as well leave the "dorky" ones... a large selection is always better
Thanks for taking the time to look into and make additions/changes!!
Do you know, is that 10 smilies or 10 images in general?
The manual says: When a new post is submitted or edited vBulletin will check the number of images and smilies in the text and reject it if the number is greater than the value specified here.
So...most of our posts are pretty basic and to the point which is what I want, so I think 10 is plenty. Maybe too many
Gotcha. 10 images/smilies is the most I've seen forums use. Most forums I've used have allowed 6 or 8. Like you said, most posts won't need more than 4 or 5 unless it comes to a build thread or something. Having 10 allowed is great though. It can make for a little cleaner look IMHO
The manual says: When a new post is submitted or edited vBulletin will check the number of images and smilies in the text and reject it if the number is greater than the value specified here.
So...most of our posts are pretty basic and to the point which is what I want, so I think 10 is plenty. Maybe too many
I think ten is a good number. Its nice not to have to make 6 posts to show ten pictures of your project.