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Chad Johnson changes last name to "Ocho Cinco"

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  • Chad Johnson changes last name to "Ocho Cinco"

    If he actually knew Spanish, he would know "85" is actually "ochenta y cinco" and "Ocho Cinco" just means "eight"-"five". Maybe he wants it that way. :lol:

    I think it's hilarious. :rlol::rlol::rlol:

  • #2
    Here's his jersey for Sunday's game:



    • #3
      As 98cobra s/c that's funny


      • #4


        • #5
          Yet another big time sports player that is letting fame and fortune go to his head.

          Pisses off the coach...

          Pisses off his teammates...

          Ego grows bigger and bigger... Next he'll find his sorry ass out on the street.

          It would serve him right.

          Unfortunately kids look up to these damn clowns.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Red Rocket View Post
            Yet another big time sports player that is letting fame and fortune go to his head.

            Pisses off the coach...

            Pisses off his teammates...

            Ego grows bigger and bigger... Next he'll find his sorry ass out on the street.

            It would serve him right.

            Unfortunately kids look up to these damn clowns.
            I can understand if fans like a player who is more humble, but he's not a bad guy. Never been arrested for anything, no domestics, no drugs, he's raised millions for charity, and he's known to be one of the hardest workers in the league.

            Yeah he celebrates touchdowns. I don't think it's a bad thing, if someone paid me millions to catch a football I'd do backflips in the endzone too. He's entertaining to watch. The NFL is about entertainment. They make millions off what NFL players say and do to attract fans, and try to hush players like Chad who sometimes flirt with the invisible line that is drawn. The NFL fined Chad $5k, and then made who-knows-what on the back end for the Ocho Cinco stunt.

            People want to see what he does next. And he has a right to be pissed at the Bengals, he wants to win and the owners/coaches have NO idea what they are doing, they have loads of talent but aren't winning, and half the team has been arrested, yet they still nitpick and fine Chad before a game even starts because he had "Ocho Cinco" on the back of his jersey for like 5 seconds. Well maybe the NFL should have left it alone if they didn't like it, cuz now Ocho Cinco is on that jersey permanently, and there will be thousands of fans walking around with Ocho Cinco jerseys all over the country.

            The real "clowns" are guys like Bryant McKinnie getting assault charges at clubs in Miami when they are out til 3 AM getting wasted, Cedric Benson for the Bears getting cut for repeated DUIs, that Pacman Jones moron whose entourage shoots up the strip club in Vegas and paralyzes a guy and gets banned from the NFL for a few years, A-Rod humiliating his wife and getting a divorce cuz he can't stop cheating on her with hookers, Clemens/Bond denying about steroid use and whining about being mistreated by the media even though there's tons of evidence against them. There are a lot of athletes out there who are piss poor role models. If I have kids, they could wear an Ocho Cinco jersey because he represents good things to me. Come from nothing, work your tail off to make something of yourself, take pride in what you do, give back, say what you believe, be creative, HAVE FUN. That's what I see when I watch him play.

            Not tryin to rant, everyone who watches sports has a different perspective when it comes to different types of players. I just don't think it's fair to put Chad in a "bad guy" category just because he celebrates touchdowns. :)


            • #7
              I've heard this on espn, what a tard trying to get more attention and it works

