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  • superford03

    I see orange88 was talkin a little smack to ya.

    Why don't you take him out and bitchslap him and put him in his place.

  • #2
    I think he would but now that orange guy or whoever he is, The dude is a pussy and braggs how fast that turd is but won't race anyone.
    Hope that the cobra slaps him good.


    • #3
      LOL its really funny how he called me out and then grows a pussy and backs out


      • #4
        Originally posted by superford3 View Post
        LOL its really funny how he called me out and then grows a pussy and backs out
        Ya the great pumpkin says he can run a 10 but can't post a vid and doesn't street race:rotfl: You have him covered Ryan racing him is like wasting gas.
        What happened to the I am going to the badboyz race and run somekilla times, How about it Chief little Big mouth >aka. orange8.8 [oh ya you are not banned]

        Don't waste your time going to BIR either that place is a zoo 6 passes for $110 what a rip and people say the rock is a rip off, Hell I got 25 runs one day for $85.


        • #5
          Yeah in his post he said he runs a second faster then me in the quarter, well he must think the street is the same from a roll, I told him I drive around cars that run 10.70s which I do but its different racing, ask franny that runs 10.1 how his race went against me LOL


          • #6
            Ryan is correct. I rolled him last fall and I seen the tail lights pretty good.

            I would still like to go frum dig with the big bad Cobra just to see how that would turn out.


            • #7
              Originally posted by 602hp View Post
              Ya the great pumpkin says he can run a 10 but can't post a vid and doesn't street race:rotfl: You have him covered Ryan racing him is like wasting gas.
              What happened to the I am going to the badboyz race and run somekilla times, How about it Chief little Big mouth >aka. orange8.8 [oh ya you are not banned]

              Don't waste your time going to BIR either that place is a zoo 6 passes for $110 what a rip and people say the rock is a rip off, Hell I got 25 runs one day for $85.
              I think you should get accurate.... Your way off.


              • #8
                [quote][Originally Posted by 602hp

                Don't waste your time going to BIR either that place is a zoo 6 passes for $110 what a rip and people say the rock is a rip off, Hell I got 25 runs one day for $85.

                Originally posted by waterbug1999 View Post
                I think you should get accurate.... Your way off.

                Nah, I agree with 602, the big BIR events is not for everyone I guess, but then again I don't care for rockfalls raceway either.


                • #9
                  BIR used to be my favorite track. I raced there every meet from '78 up until '92. I have fond memories of representing them at the Division 5 bracket tourneys with the SS-454. Just making the top ten was damned hard as I'm sure it is now.

                  Why so fond of the track? Well, I won a Mid Summer Race, a couple gamblers races, was runner up a few times and made it to the semis a number of times. I won a Musclecar Shootout in my Camaro and previously had made it to the semis.

                  I thought it was normal to get a run in at 9am, then at 1pm and if lucky another by 5pm before they shut it down at 6. The last time I was there, I wasn't "feelin the love". They acted like they were doing me this big favor to race there. I haven't been back since.

                  I hear it's better there now and would like to maybe try it again. 602 is right about getting a lot of runs in at RF. I can get there in less than 2 hrs and be home before 6. I know I've gotten at least 6 runs in on a good sized race day.


                  • #10
                    [Originally Posted by 602hp

                    Don't waste your time going to BIR either that place is a zoo 6 passes for $110 what a rip and people say the rock is a rip off, Hell I got 25 runs one day for $85.

                    Nah, I agree with 602, the big BIR events is not for everyone I guess, but then again I don't care for rockfalls raceway either.
                    Well, its not accurate at all... What he is reffering to are just the big events like show-n- go and the MCS.

                    You can go on Fridays for TNT and pay 55 bucks to run all damn day. I got there at 8am and got teched. Then raced from 10am to 1pm and was able to run 12 - 15 times and went home and was drinking a beer in the garage before 5 pm.
                    I could have had 20-30 runs if I wanted to but waited to let the car cool down some then go again. I had no wait at all. And this is for the 2 times i did this last year.


                    • #11
                      Sounds like that's the way to go if you can swing taking a day off work.

                      I never took the day off to race on Fridays. I always had shit to do and would get there by 4 or 5.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Z28SSMAN View Post
                        Sounds like that's the way to go if you can swing taking a day off work.

                        I never took the day off to race on Fridays. I always had shit to do and would get there by 4 or 5.
                        It worked great for me due to I have Fridays off ever week.


                        • #13
                          Actually it used to be at SNG and MCSO just sat. and sun. 4 passes on sat. 1 pass on sunday and those were the test parts then after your first test run on sunday right into elims. I have never in all the years I have run at these 2 events gotten more than 6 now this was from 89 to 96 maybe it's changed but from what I have heard from a lot of braket racers in the past too is that they also have not got many runs on a test day either. I like the way Rock does their muscle car shoot out with the 1/2 sec. intervals
                          that is 14.50 to 14.0 and so on a lot more fun that braket racing and if your shitty on the tree you lose. This is just me and those who want to go to BIR that's cool, The best memory for me was when the tornado hit in '91 I still watch that from time to time but it was sad that so many cars were wrecked. Just ask the guy with the nova that was in the trailer upside down and the made him pull the car out on it's roof instead od flipping the trailer over he will tell you what he thinks of BIR.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 602hp View Post
                            Actually it used to be at SNG and MCSO just sat. and sun. 4 passes on sat. 1 pass on sunday and those were the test parts then after your first test run on sunday right into elims. I have never in all the years I have run at these 2 events gotten more than 6 now this was from 89 to 96 maybe it's changed but from what I have heard from a lot of braket racers in the past too is that they also have not got many runs on a test day either. I like the way Rock does their muscle car shoot out with the 1/2 sec. intervals
                            that is 14.50 to 14.0 and so on a lot more fun that braket racing and if your shitty on the tree you lose. This is just me and those who want to go to BIR that's cool, The best memory for me was when the tornado hit in '91 I still watch that from time to time but it was sad that so many cars were wrecked. Just ask the guy with the nova that was in the trailer upside down and the made him pull the car out on it's roof instead od flipping the trailer over he will tell you what he thinks of BIR.

                            I think 2 years ago at MCS I got 7 runs in! LOL

                            I hear what your saying, and it does suck there are soo many cars and it takes for ever to run. I guess it depends on how many cars break, wreck, etc.

                            But, Im just pointing out that there are other times where the track is not full of cars.


                            • #15
                              this is cool

