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Pain at the pump

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  • Pain at the pump

    Let's face it...gas prices have caused a few people to do some stupid shit.

    Deciding to drive a scooter to work to save gas.

    Last week, I saw a guy riding a scooter that was not going more than 25. He was wearing a suit as if he was heading to the office. Some people are willing to put themselves in danger in order to save a few bucks.

    A friend's relative also decided to buy a small motorcycle to save gas. He was riding out by Albertville when a deer hopped out in front of him and he crashed. His dad who was following him, saw it happen and called 911. The police called an air rescue copter and they rushed him to North Mem. He wasn't wearing a helmet, so the road rash ripped the hair off half of his head, he suffered a concussion, punctured a lung, 4 broken ribs and his left arm is mangled. My question? How much $$$ in gas did he save?

    People are driving econoboxes to save a few bucks.

    I was on the way to work the other day when I pulled up behind a junky Wrangler Jeep at a metered ramp. This woman had her two kids in the back seat. They were 8-10 years old. I thought to myself that if they were hit in the rear...the kids would be seriously hurt or worse. . I would never put my kids in that type of danger. But...people are willing to put their kids in danger to save a few dollars. The kids aren't able to make decisions for themselves...they have to go along for the ride. They trust that their parents will keep them safe.

    I've heard people brag about how safe these econoboxes are. These people obviously don't see the whole picture, because even if they are 5 star crash test rated...they won't win against a larger vehicle in a crash. Again....some people are willing to put their lives in danger to save at the gas pump.

    Ok...I've vented enough for today

  • #2
    shit happen's, and if consumption dosen't go down the prices will not go down either, someday you will park that denali thing, I say let's all try to cut back now before it's too late. when it hit's 7 bucks a gal. maybe you'll wake up........... the american lifestyle has too change. also. a lot of people don't make your kind of money and have had to trade down or walk........ ya wanna keep funding terrorist's....... or cut back a bit???????? and all of what I said applies to dd not my cobra......... how's that for a start to an E-fight........


    • #3
      Money saved on gas = bigger turbo. opps did I just say that out loud

      At some point you will have to get with the times. When I am driving down the road most of the cars are compacts and sub compacts.


      • #4
        Originally posted by 98 cobra s/c View Post
        shit happen's, and if consumption dosen't go down the prices will not go down either, someday you will park that denali thing, I say let's all try to cut back now before it's too late. when it hit's 7 bucks a gal. maybe you'll wake up........... the american lifestyle has too change. also. a lot of people don't make your kind of money and have had to trade down or walk........ ya wanna keep funding terrorist's....... or cut back a bit???????? and all of what I said applies to dd not my cobra......... how's that for a start to an E-fight........
        If I decide to change it will be my won't be a decision mandated by the government or by what you think I should drive.

        While we're cutting back...why not give up your gas guzzling cobra? While you're at it...why not give up wasting gas trailering to the track? No sense in having the right to spend your money the way you want to...right?

        No offense, but it would take light-years of me driving the Denali to offset the $$ you've spent on all your transportation. lol

        As far as funding the terrorists? I use E85 which the majority funds the farmers and the US. Oh that's right...your hybrid has to use 100% you are actually funding the terrorists more than me. lol

        Here's a little math for ya...

        Yukon XL: 12,000 mi per year @15 mpg = 800 gal x 15% (E85 is 15% gasoline)= 120 gal of GASOLINE

        Honda Hybrid: 12,000 mi per yr @40 mpg = 300 gal of GASOLINE

        I use 180 fewer gallons of GASOLINE than you per 12,000 miles! Looks like YOU are funding the terrorists more than me. lol

        How's that for an e-fight, ol buddy?


        • #5


          • #6
            Originally posted by Z28SSMAN View Post
            If I decide to change it will be my won't be a decision mandated by the government or by what you think I should drive.

            While we're cutting back...why not give up your gas guzzling cobra? While you're at it...why not give up wasting gas trailering to the track? No sense in having the right to spend your money the way you want to...right?

            No offense, but it would take light-years of me driving the Denali to offset the $$ you've spent on all your transportation. lol

            As far as funding the terrorists? I use E85 which the majority funds the farmers and the US. Oh that's right...your hybrid has to use 100% you are actually funding the terrorists more than me. lol

            Here's a little math for ya...

            Yukon XL: 12,000 mi per year @15 mpg = 800 gal x 15% (E85 is 15% gasoline)= 120 gal of GASOLINE

            Honda Hybrid: 12,000 mi per yr @40 mpg = 300 gal of GASOLINE

            I use 180 fewer gallons of GASOLINE than you per 12,000 miles! Looks like YOU are funding the terrorists more than me. lol

            How's that for an e-fight, ol buddy?
            so your always on the freeway????? 15mpg on the freeway??? well, whats the combined city and hiway???? mine is 44mph combined every week now. when did you last buy a car???? did you buy the yukon??? my zx2 2003, was at 23mpg combined, not enuf for me so i switched, plus the zx2 was starting to have too many small problem's in a row and i thought it was a good time to ditch it. of course as stated before the american auto makers did not have a decent car or hybrid that i thought was good for the future gas turmoil. so i bought the honda which i like more and more each time i drive it. Yes, the big trucks are safer. I have one. i drive the 98 f-150 only on sat. and when we need two vehicles at one time. By getting dropped of at work which is only 10 min's away i am saving at least 30 to 40 bucks a week and the hybrid compared to the zx2 is double the gas mpg also saving me 20 bucks or more a week.and YES the money matter's... and i also stated this was not about our race cars cuz we or most people only drive them on weekends at night. And YES the cobra sucks up the gas thats what it's suppose too do and when it is running it only gets drivin' maybe 4-5 hrs. per week cuz i've cut back on it's use cuz it sucks up too much gas and insurance prices also. But maybe if we don't conserve now in the future you'll only see it in a museum, and i know you'd pay to go in as for your e-85, the honda does not use it, so you got me there..... but your cost for FUEL is still more than me and that money is going to the big gas company's WHO ARE RIPPING US OFF. there profit's are the reason for gas price increase's not the oil, so there........ plus sales on small cars are up, big suv's are down and in the future most of us will drive smaller cars x'cept them big rich guy's. and if i need a toyota i'll call ya.........lmfao....... got any more?????? you forgot to mention that my ford blew up again and that 4.6's are lame but then i'd agree with ya on that cuz they are...............


            • #7
              I take the bus or the light rail.


              • #8
                Here is my take on this I stopped driving my truck or suburban too much years ago
                Why waste fuel when a car that gets more that twice the milage will do. I bought a 100$ beater and drove it for 6 years and it always did better than my trucks, Safer maybe not but then street racing at 145mph is not safe either but a lot of you guys still do that from time to time.

                As for driving a scooter or motorcycle I work less that 5 miles from home so I would bennefit from it. Ride a bicycle that would be some good exercise and a lot of us need that. The problem here is that some people and companys are making BIG money at someone elses expence and untill the public is fed up enough to put up a big stink things will stay the same and prices will go up higher.
                I still see people speeding even with the prices as high as they are and I am sure they bitch when they fill the tank so fuck them, if you drive fast you waste gas


                • #9

                  It all boils down to choice.

                  For me...I have a Camaro SS that runs high 11's on 17" dr's and 92 pump gas. I prefer to run with the exact tires & equipment as I drive everyday. Unlike some people who run a few 10ths quicker but have to use race gas, slicks and skinneys or take headlights and seats out to get their quicker times and then brag about it. If that works for them, then that's their doesn't work for me and I'm not impressed. On a spirited weekend of driving, I get 20 mpg.

                  As far as driving the suv? I treat myself to drive something nice and don't appreciate people trying to make me feel like I'm funding terrorists by using a few extra gallons of gas. Some people spend a helluva lot more on cigarettes, booze and engines than what I spend on a few gals of gas. It's their right to do different than my right.

                  A good debate is good for reading isn't it?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Z28SSMAN View Post

                    It all boils down to choice.

                    For me...I have a Camaro SS that runs high 11's on 17" dr's and 92 pump gas. I prefer to run with the exact tires & equipment as I drive everyday. Unlike some people who run a few 10ths quicker but have to use race gas, slicks and skinneys or take headlights and seats out to get their quicker times and then brag about it. If that works for them, then that's their doesn't work for me and I'm not impressed. On a spirited weekend of driving, I get 20 mpg.

                    As far as driving the suv? I treat myself to drive something nice and don't appreciate people trying to make me feel like I'm funding terrorists by using a few extra gallons of gas. Some people spend a helluva lot more on cigarettes, booze and engines than what I spend on a few gals of gas. It's their right to do different than my right.

                    A good debate is good for reading isn't it?
                    that was a lame answer, it's smart cars or museum's, pick one...


                    • #11
                      If $$$ per gallon is your focus? We all should try this aproach.

                      If we only purchased our gasoline needs from only the smaller suppliers and did not buy 1 drop of fuel from any of the big suppliers (Mobil, Exxon, Chevron, Shell) etc. they would be forced to lower their prices to draw you to their stations, because of the drop in sales and loss of profits, then the smaller places will lower their prices to keep your buisness and so on.

                      As for the terrorist subject, here is a little reading for you, it's quite interesting.


                      HAPPY 4th everyone, celebrate it safely.


                      • #12
                        A jeep wrangler is hardly an econo box. Now...if we're talking festiva or metro or suzuki swift then we're talking econo box. I have a currently has a larger displacement engine in it along with a turbo setup being fabricated. I couldn't settle for a turbo geo like I originally planned as having custom rods and pistons made ended up costing way too much. Mazda engine it is!

                        I'll probably end up dying in it. lol


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by 98 cobra s/c View Post
                          shit happen's, and if consumption dosen't go down the prices will not go down either, someday you will park that denali thing, I say let's all try to cut back now before it's too late. when it hit's 7 bucks a gal. maybe you'll wake up........... the american lifestyle has too change. also. a lot of people don't make your kind of money and have had to trade down or walk........ ya wanna keep funding terrorist's....... or cut back a bit???????? and all of what I said applies to dd not my cobra......... how's that for a start to an E-fight........
                          I really have no idea what to say to your post. It is full of some of the most out of whack shit I have ever read. Gas consumption isn't going to go down, that isn't the solution to rising gas prices. If you think it is, then you really need to re look at everything going on. Shit...if we were drilling in all the places that the oil companies WANT to drill at perhaps we'd have lower gas prices. But let's not forget other things such as refineries and such, and all the different formulas for gasolines across the country. But yeah, lowering consumption is the key. Perhaps we should stop shipping goods cross country too.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 98 cobra s/c View Post
                            so your always on the freeway????? 15mpg on the freeway??? well, whats the combined city and hiway???? mine is 44mph combined every week now. when did you last buy a car???? did you buy the yukon??? my zx2 2003, was at 23mpg combined, not enuf for me so i switched, plus the zx2 was starting to have too many small problem's in a row and i thought it was a good time to ditch it. of course as stated before the american auto makers did not have a decent car or hybrid that i thought was good for the future gas turmoil. so i bought the honda which i like more and more each time i drive it. Yes, the big trucks are safer. I have one. i drive the 98 f-150 only on sat. and when we need two vehicles at one time. By getting dropped of at work which is only 10 min's away i am saving at least 30 to 40 bucks a week and the hybrid compared to the zx2 is double the gas mpg also saving me 20 bucks or more a week.and YES the money matter's... and i also stated this was not about our race cars cuz we or most people only drive them on weekends at night. And YES the cobra sucks up the gas thats what it's suppose too do and when it is running it only gets drivin' maybe 4-5 hrs. per week cuz i've cut back on it's use cuz it sucks up too much gas and insurance prices also. But maybe if we don't conserve now in the future you'll only see it in a museum, and i know you'd pay to go in as for your e-85, the honda does not use it, so you got me there..... but your cost for FUEL is still more than me and that money is going to the big gas company's WHO ARE RIPPING US OFF. there profit's are the reason for gas price increase's not the oil, so there........ plus sales on small cars are up, big suv's are down and in the future most of us will drive smaller cars x'cept them big rich guy's. and if i need a toyota i'll call ya.........lmfao....... got any more?????? you forgot to mention that my ford blew up again and that 4.6's are lame but then i'd agree with ya on that cuz they are...............

                            You do understand where most of the money you pay at the pump goes right?

                            I'll give you a hint...most of it doesn't go to the producer of the fuel.


                            • #15

