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Personal protection

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  • Personal protection

    I have decided to buy a hand gun and I don't know what is good so I need some ideas on buying one for personal protecton for my family. What do you think is good and why?

  • #2
    Originally posted by 602hp View Post
    I have decided to buy a hand gun and I don't know what is good so I need some ideas on buying one for personal protecton for my family. What do you think is good and why?
    someone after you??


    • #3
      Originally posted by torkflight View Post
      someone after you??
      The wife???


      • #4
        Originally posted by 602hp View Post
        I have decided to buy a hand gun and I don't know what is good so I need some ideas on buying one for personal protecton for my family. What do you think is good and why?
        I wouldn't go less than .45. Lighter doesn't have the necessary stopping power. If you are in a situation that requires that kind of want the shot to drop the intruder. Bigger is better in close quarters with a criminal. The last thing you want is to have anybody take your gun and kill you with it. Do everybody a favor and take gun safety and learn to shoot correctly. Don't just "buy a gun".

        I won't have a handgun in my house. But it's a personal decision everybody has to make for themselves.

        My protection of choice for the house is a double barrel shotgun, a Scottish broadsword and a nightstick.
        Life is too short to waste time and energy on hate.


        • #5
          Double barrel shot gun....when you absolutley have to kill every motherfocker in the room,except no substitutes!


          • #6
            Originally posted by 602hp View Post
            I have decided to buy a hand gun and I don't know what is good so I need some ideas on buying one for personal protecton for my family. What do you think is good and why?
            Do the E-thugs have you running scared? :rotfl: This internet thing is serious business, huh?

            I'd recommend going to a reputable gun shop and ask their opinion and see if you can hold and shoot several different models. I passed up a smokin' deal on a Glock with a ton of extras, but it just didn't 'feel' right or comfortable.

            Good luck with the search,
            Green four door Chevy


            • #7
              Originally posted by HAULNSS View Post
              Do the E-thugs have you running scared? :rotfl: This internet thing is serious business, huh?
              Not funny. I've had my safety threatened more than once by locals on forums. (I'm REALLY tempted to name names, but I won't because I consider two of them to be unstable enough to follow through) People use that line "internet is serious business" as a joke or they downplay their comments by saying they were "misunderstood" because communicating what one means on forums is difficult sometimes. I take any threats made to me on forums absolutely seriously.

              I'm kind of surprised YOU would make that comment and find it funny Randy.
              However, your follow up info as to finding a gun that fits and is comfortable is absolutely spot I realize the opening line you used "is" meant to be a topic lightener.
              Life is too short to waste time and energy on hate.


              • #8
                Glock= too much cleaning


                • #9
                  I just would like to get one being the neighborhood is starting to go down the drain.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Tradbuilt View Post
                    Not funny. I've had my safety threatened more than once by locals on forums. (I'm REALLY tempted to name names, but I won't because I consider two of them to be unstable enough to follow through) People use that line "internet is serious business" as a joke or they downplay their comments by saying they were "misunderstood" because communicating what one means on forums is difficult sometimes. I take any threats made to me on forums absolutely seriously.

                    I'm kind of surprised YOU would make that comment and find it funny Randy.
                    However, your follow up info as to finding a gun that fits and is comfortable is absolutely spot I realize the opening line you used "is" meant to be a topic lightener.

                    It was meant to be funny. As a former admin and forum moderator of another forum, I know that you can't make everyone happy. Someone will get a sandy crotch and make a comment about _____ (Mom, sister, dog, mailman, neighbor's cousin, etc.) trying to make an insult. Sometimes the role is that of a forum policeman and with it comes the fun of dealing with keyboard warriors. I think Bob has jumped in head first with the start of this site and the crap that has come and gone on here. (Being a forum mod is a great paying job, huh Bob?) :rotfl:

                    I surely hope that 602hp isn't feeling threatened due to something related to car forums. If so, I hope that the proper legal channels have been investigated. My dealings have only been with keyboard warriors and hopefully Bob hasn't had to deal with anything more than that.

                    Remember that 99% of my posts are an attempt at humor. Some are successful....and some are....well.....

                    Green four door Chevy


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 602hp View Post
                      I just would like to get one being the neighborhood is starting to go down the drain.

                      That is what I was thinking from your original post. (Thus, my attempt at humor) In my neck of the woods, we have the meth heads running around stealing copper and crap.
                      Green four door Chevy


                      • #12
                        Meth is going to be the downfall of civilization as we knew it. And I know you Randy, so I hope my seriousness wasn't too over the top. I know you were just injecting harmless humor. I just used the opportunity to observe that the "internet really kind of 'is' serious" at times. There are more than a few out there with loose screws. Can't be too careful.
                        Life is too short to waste time and energy on hate.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by 602hp View Post
                          I just would like to get one being the neighborhood is starting to go down the drain.

                          Just get one of these instead!
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by HAULNSS View Post
                            It was meant to be funny. As a former admin and forum moderator of another forum, I know that you can't make everyone happy. Someone will get a sandy crotch and make a comment about _____ (Mom, sister, dog, mailman, neighbor's cousin, etc.) trying to make an insult. Sometimes the role is that of a forum policeman and with it comes the fun of dealing with keyboard warriors. I think Bob has jumped in head first with the start of this site and the crap that has come and gone on here. (Being a forum mod is a great paying job, huh Bob?) :rotfl:

                            I surely hope that 602hp isn't feeling threatened due to something related to car forums. If so, I hope that the proper legal channels have been investigated. My dealings have only been with keyboard warriors and hopefully Bob hasn't had to deal with anything more than that.

                            Remember that 99% of my posts are an attempt at humor. Some are successful....and some are....well.....


                            I don't worry too much about what people say on line, This is someone who I have known for some time and he now scares me, If he keeps esclelating this it may affect my family and I do not want this to get to that point.

                            Oh ya I know you were trying to be funny :rotfl:and if I don't like a car forum for what ever reason I just don't post there.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by NewAgeOutlaw View Post
                              Just get one of these instead!
                              I would but I think I would end up having to pay someone to buy my house these days as you sure cannot sell much thanks to the mortgage crap.

