How does one manage to make it look like they've tucked their ass into their pants like a shirt? Damn. Now THOSE are some nice……????? Well, it is summer now, which means that we all get to witness more gems like this one Why do I feel like at any minute now, a big arm-bar is going to swing out with a STOP sign on it?
I would like to officially nominate those pants for worst color option EVER! Are you serious with that? “Hey, let’s get skin-tight pants, make them in sizes where the words ’skin-tight’ should be off-limits, and then produce them in a flesh color.” What a great idea!
Your first move should be checking that backpack for a pair of underwear. If there are none in there, well, you ARE at a store that sells underwear. Problem solved. I would move on to pants.......but...... I don’t want to get too far ahead.........and lose you.
Ya really think ya gonna be needing those condoms there, big fella?
OOOOWWW, she’s a BRICK (da-na-na-na) HOUSE. She’s MIGHTY- MIGHTY, just LETTIN’ it ALL hang-out.
C'mon now, on a scale of 1 to 10, where do you think his level of 'giving a f***' is? I am seriously jealous of this dude.
ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS: "Warm weather is now here as we start the summer, and so is the unfortunate “Swamp Ass” epidemic. Be aware-- and try to stay dry.
At what point does a person just say “F*ck it, I don’t need to put on shoes or pants”? Most people in the world would put pants on to walk into another room of the house, or if not that, then they would put some on if they're going to the street to get their mail. And you made it to Walmart.
WOW! That’s so cool! JanSport came out with a new flesh colored fanny-pack….wait….hold on….can it be….is it…..OH MY DEAR GOD!
Why do I have a feeling Jim Henson is behind her......working her arms?
"I’m sorry sir, but those Christmas hams put you over the 12 item limit for this line.