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Poetry for car guys

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  • Poetry for car guys

    there once was a cobra guy named Joe
    when I first met him, he thought my car was slow
    but little did he know
    the SS was no joke
    because once we lined em up, he got his ass smoked!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Z28SSMAN View Post
    there once was a cobra guy named Joe
    when I first met him, he thought my car was slow
    but little did he know
    the SS was no joke
    because once we lined em up, he got his ass smoked!
    More than once I might add:rlol::rlol::rlol:


    • #3
      No response from Joe? lol


      • #4
        Originally posted by Z28SSMAN View Post
        No response from Joe? lol
        I think as the poem goes: My good old freind Joe is still slow.


        • #5
          The Red Cutlass

          :finger smile:

          There once was a Cutlass so Red,
          The drivers name is unsaid,
          A fresh Bore and a Hone,
          Made those tires moan,
          Hey, that Dude looks like Fred Flintstone!!!

          :rlol: :rlol: :lol: :lol:

          Sorry, I had to, now you will have to join


          • #6

            Cutlass or gutless. Actually...I saw a Cutlass with the vanity plate GUTLESS


            • #7
              my 62 4 door wieghs over 4,000 pounds,but it stomps plenty of cars into the ground.i'll go from a dig or even a roll, it does'nt matter cuz i'm ready to go, if your car starts pullin i'll flip the switch, and pump some nitrous into this bitch! not the fastest but fun enough, 454 cubic inch,:nos_smile:


              • #8


                • #9

                  Whose Cobra is that?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by HOTCIVIC View Post

                    Whose Cobra is that?
                    that was jason ryan from racin repair. his super charged mustang. we did a 15 mph roll so he would hook up. and you seen the outcome it' was all in good fun jason is a good friend of mine, and i geuss according to him he had some issiues that night ?? we'll find out when we go again
                    Last edited by ratrod 1; 09-24-2009, 08:30 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ratrod 1 View Post
                      that was jason ryan from racin repair. his super charged mustang. we did a 15 mph roll so he would hook up. and you seen the outcome it' was all in good fun jason is a good freind of mine, and i geuss according to him he had some issiues that night ?? we'll find out when we go again
                      Your car is badass man. Nice work!


                      • #12
                        thanks. like i said it's not the fastest out ther but still fun.


                        • #13
                          There once was this guy with an M5
                          Who thought he had a pretty quick ride
                          He challenged my GN to a race
                          And wound up with egg on his face
                          I asked if he knew what it was and he said yes
                          I told him it that it wasn't a Monte Carlo SS
                          I gave him a chance to back out
                          But he was determined to race me - no doubt
                          We raced from a dig on the light
                          In a few feet he had my tail lights in sight
                          At the next light we stopped and he wanted some more
                          We raced once again - and I beat him once more
                          He wasn't a very good loser I figure
                          As he pounded his wheel....and gave me the finger

                          The moral of the story is then
                          If you drive an M5, don't stoplight-race a GN
                          There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life. - Frank Zappa


                          • #14
                            Ahh! Poetry and kills!


                            • #15
                              1,2,3, go ! steped on the gas and let the nitrous flow. through the gears hitin third, you were nowhere in site cuz your car was a turd ..looked in my mirror and said thats cool,i just made this guy look like a fool.:nos_smile:

